Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

3 S3K Page Three ST. PETERSBURG TIME?) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1930 PEAK REACHED Section Two Page Four Page Si Cnmnlains When Wife Tries td Keep Romance in Married Lije WHAT'S IN FASHION? Coats That Are Warm Directed by AMOS PARRISH 1 SCHOOL GIRLS ENTERTAIN HOLIDAY BALL Younger Set of City Hnjoys IN DEBUTANTE WINTER SEASON Several Million Dollars Will gjLvm. um ar ar TO "FIRST-DAY RESULTS" ARE CHEAP RESULTS! TA MAP he Spent in New York This ear Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox ANNOUNCET i i IU Udt LEADING LADY IS NAMED FOR NOVARRO PLAY I 14 In Gift Sho (4) (AaMCtetea' Pre Stuff Writer) GIFTS OFFER NEW PROBLEM TO HOUSEWIFE Lydia Walker Dincusses How to. Arrange Christmas Furniture Presents 'ii 111 aiiii CLAREN-VS QUAINT Colonial Coverlids, hoo, dun DUTY TO KEEP WOMAN HAPPY, VANE SSERTS Woman Nags Husband Because He Takes Her as 4 Matter of Fact Mickey McSuire accepts an invitation to a party in tu? MORE POLITE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. inniiiiirA Paramount Making Film Story Entitled "Have You Got It?" Gay Dance at Yacht Club Friday Evening ONE OK THE OUTSTANDING social events of the holiday season was the dance given last lisht at the Yiicht dub by the Mlnws Uda Rend Volgt, Jacquelyn Strickland, Katiina Knowtton ami Martha Neeld.

The ball room of the dub house Was beautifully decorated with masses of flowers and in the reds and lectin of the Chi 1st mas xeawm, While the table from which the punch was served held, on each end, mnunmco NEW VOKK, Dec. 26. The debutante season has reached its peak with Christmas week, and parents who: present their daughters to society tnta season will pay art aggregate OebUt bill which will run into several i million dollars. Ballrooms of fashionable hotels, spoken for months and even years In advance, have been ahlazn with lights from dinner until dawn every night for weeks. The let-up will not come until mid-January, and r.arlW'M U'HI cun- 'hysicist Predicts woven linens.

All kh" T' PENNFt.ORAJ PUCKETT AHT8MOP. 1 Free instruction In punting on I I lasses from 9 A. M. ti men Wednesday evenlni fir photograph colorin: tlofi -f Iven. VR DO i Wmfru uo weli- FREE' Learn latin.

"In ing siid heeoratinsi fonnUan erefe paper ora displav of Nfw Years Gift Shop. $5 lt Ave. "bUperh-'K mookkd ltl 3rd St. A new me! hod Fsscinat EXPERT INSTR LESSONS FREE OI Will Be People's Here are some recent examples of the thousands of "first-day results" which have made The Times the LEADING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDIUM of St. Petersburg: Power Plant Kayly trimmed Christ mas trees with IlllMtHH I.

W. HLAKKSLER Dec. 28. Dr. Robert By VIRGINIA VANE Miss Vane: My wife reproaches me for not putting forth m' best effort to hold her love.

She aaya 1 take her for granted now. Is there any reason why I take her for granted? Aren't we man and wife? Don't I count on her to be true to me? Do I have to keep on winning her affection all over again? I get tired of this nonsense. She married me because she loved me, and if she ts going to fall out. of love with mr, 1 i-'-ii'-Jiiiiii Hlrtt a 115 P- he- physicist, said today already knows enough Persona (6) net hod of getting power int. tinue clear through fchruary.

Catering to debutantes is a big in dustry in New York, for girls come fnme all over the country to make tR4r hows In the Rits-Carlton. i Tierre's. the Central Park Caaino. Sherry's, the Savoy-Plaza, Park! Lane and other hotels which invite big comtne out parties. Th- mannazing director at Pierre's estimated today that ISO girls will have "come out" there during the By LOl'ELLA O.

PARSONS (Copyright, W30, for The Times) LOS ANGELES, Dec. 26. I saw Ramon Novarro on the Metro-Gomwyn-Mayer lot deep in thought. Ramon has lots to think of these days since M. G.

M. has discovered that he knows how to direct foreign Lots to think about to keep himself from becoming a director instead of an actor. That would be just too bad with all the fans In the world telling us we don't write enough about him. Helen Chandler will play opposite Ramon in "Daybreak" and the pic-lure will go into production right after the first, of the year with Jacques Feyder directing. William Bakewell has an important role.

I look to see a particularly busy 1931. It's an actual fact that every time we have had hard times the motion picture business has increased. Peo pie must be entertained and the movies are the cheapest form of cd this will done when snnn-c-s nr pvhaiiKterl. By LYDIA LB BABON WALKER Most houses have some redecora-tlon or refurnishing to be done after Christmas. What a joy this work is! It signifies that a gift, or perhaps many, for the home has been the homcmaker's good fortune to receive.

But also there are problems to solve whenever new pieces of furniture have to be fitted In with old wies. The problem may bave to do with the difference In types of decoration, the new reflecting the modern spirit, perhaps, among an array of earlier period styles. Or perhaps the uiicstion is one of space and redistribution of articles in other rooms to give place for the new things. There have been few times when new furniture was more difficult to merge pleasingly wtth old than this season. Modern furniture has a distinct atmosphere of Its own.

One piece or two rekulres the most careful management lest it appear amusingly Incongruous. Either the decoration in the room must be given a modernistic slant by introducing more of like kind, or FOX TERRIERS. 4 months old. Msle pups. Choice ot two.

1S95 9th St. No. a beautiful motif of holly anu uotn-settias In the tenter. The guest were received by the hostesses who were lovely in ilu-ir becoming evening gowns. The blonde beauty of Miss Vojgt was accentuated by her dress of Wack chiffon trimmed In, steel cut beads, and petite Miss Neeld was charming in her dress of white 'taffeta.

Miss Knowl-ton, who Is the brunette type, choB blue taffeta for her gown and Miss Strickland was becomingly attired In a honey-dew satin made alone Grecian lines. Included among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Yoigt, Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Neeld.

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. before the Association DKAiHU other possible continu- sheik around the houne, then she is too fickle to be a wife.

THOMAS P. A. F. Herdon, of Herdon's Shoe Store, ordered this ad run for three days. It brought a buyer for the dog before 9:30 the first morning, however, and so was cancelled.

In spite of the rain, this ad brought several callers the first morning and resulted in the sale of the stove. "Jus t'll'-l B.IBU III il.VUI a water, but with no or using it. past century," he said. reason which began in October and ends with February. Their parties 1 will average $3,000 In cost, which totals more than half a million for the one hotel.

Charles Pierre placed the average debutante supper-dame FOR SALE Fifteen dollar wood tov for five dollar. 780 20th Av. No. ippn using the sunshina al and oil in by-rone reserve will do for us Iriren. but what then? Dr.

and Mrs. It. H. Know Hon, Mr. and Mrs.

William is here, and it is not a It's a funny thinpr that most of -ou men resent beinK told that you've got to ivork a little, and expend a little thought and time in the matter of keepinpt your wife youne and happy. Why should It rile you sot Papers, magazines and booVs are full of snappy little hints to women on the subject of how to keep a husband, and you have probably glanced at these dissertations a hundred times, smirked them over with an approving eye, and never once asked vmiraelf whv it should lie SO all-flred Chandler, Mr, and Mrs. Max t'lrich, and the Misses Elizabeth Lanier, Frances Wood, Margaret Owen. Ma -there is enough energy 4n. U.r M.

.11 FOR SALE Estate fas rang in fine condition; 4 burners, elevated oven: $12 to quick buyer. 331 ISth Ave. or phone 42-33. invitation list at 400 persons though many parties have twice as man; guests. 1ast week at the Ritz-Carl-ton three important debutantes had rarties to which a thousand guests were asked.

Barbara Hutton. pretty grand daughter nf the late Frank Wool-worth, five, and ten cent store loan-a Rltz.t a ilton debut at with El Brer and Maureen 0'! Is now pis at drid Koblnaon, Mitchell, Doro those present now and thy Touart. Virginia Wagner, Martha Moss, Emily Cotter, Adelle Way. uuiiy ill (ii mm ng upon stored-up sup- fCopyrlrht, 1930, by The Syrdicatf, InQ Mary Jane Sli'lbm, Margaret Hen nington, Heazlev, Madeline WU Kind, two modern conn-latitude received from "They also make names for themselves," says knowingr Nora, "who wish to conceal their real ones." By Clarence Gettler. which the music alone cost several (thousand dollars.

Ruby Vallee's orchestra played at her party and day as much heat as is all the coal burned in son, Ethel Thompson. Harriett Smith. Virginia Wilson, Marian Banks, Betty Hammond. Virginia Page Elinor Glynn very quickly. Paramount Is making a picture called "Have You Got It?" Now everybody who knows his movies remembers that Elinor Glynn first used the word "it" and wrote a story about it for Clara Bow, This time Carole Lombard is the girl and Norman Foster, husband of Claudette Colbert, is the male attraction.

Frank Tuttle will direct. Buddy Rogers was supposed to be "In the picture but he isn't well enough. Appendix operations, my friends, arc much more serious than we realize. Important for a woman to know how to hold her own husband. Trfiok at the thiiiKs women are ottshout the world, we now know enoueh VonncKUl.

Hall. Jun- I'atricia 1 hmJa. I'uiil. llitil CHILD'S ivory bed: complete, length 4 almoat new, $10. 1817 31st St.

go. Oh, These Women! Webeter, Dolly Wilson, Mary Ander- fOlU lO UO, ill mui-'i nvvF love. "Keep your husband always PI La Argentina danced. A dinner party for 200 guests was followed by a supper dance, and there was a breakfast party at dawn for the in-defat i gables. be able to outline the hr 'hiV tn ern ann Virginia Hi Mary Ada Heard, Bessie Letzrlng.

I'eggy Bans your sweeiueari, ocicjwmo wb for facial cream, and a By LEOLA ALLARD lize this Inflow of sun- ley. Marloh Davis, Mary Lucy Allen, Another thousand-guest party was II Betty Fraier, Natalie Fellows, Betty few thousand creuuious wpnun tuoii off to the nearest 'drus-store, and wij? mm m.i in the center, there's "usually an under cuff that hugs the wrist, Warm Collars hout brains. That alone NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Don't be misled by the light look and feel of winter oats.

These coats are warm, a new style must ne queneo no It appears to take on the quality of the things with which It ts put. Difficulties are present in each Instance for the first takea money since more new things have to be Introduced. The second takes the deft handling of an expert, or a person who la skilled In decorative treatments though not a decorator necessarily. Some homemakers have such skill. Angles and Curve Without considering the first, a cosily phase, namely that of actual redecorating to modern type, let us consider the assimtlaHon of new with older types of furnishings.

Modernistic furniture has one marked characteristic. It is angular. Most periods in decoration stress curves and lines of grace though of simplicity. Therefore the hard and severe angles of modernistic pieces have to appear softened to go with curves of previ-! ous periods. This can be helped by placing the furniture where the 1 harsh lines are not accented by the light they get, or rise by shading this light with furniture in the foreground.

Or again the fashion for "throws" can be used to advantage. dutifully invest, the masic ointment which will bind their mates to lining, it is ijniy reason that prevents us thing 4hat you know he does and he may become convinced you are right. Whatever you do don't go grouching around or he will become The fur collars on these coats both NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Mr.

M. of Michigan writes me that the only trouble with some of my adrtce is, as Irvin Cobb once put it, "There's no use handing out advice to a guy ii-Vin nn nlace to nut It." He OFontainc Foi, 1930 II mt them for life. But have you ever heard of a man who even chanced sunshine directly now. likely to utilize it appre- i with fur, and gtill present the fafih-! ionabte slim and smooth silhouette. Because the furs that make these linings are as soft and pliable as a piece of satin.

They arid practically I nothing to the bulk of the coat, but I Immeasurably to its warmth. The Coats Illustrated you can see some of the ways fashion cont rives to make coats i even warmer than their materials alone. The coat at the left has a shawl collar of fox that can be rolled alienated. And write me what happens after she comes to dinner. Be BUre to be a perfect hostess.

even if they do fit with almost as i00)t sbh fee warm. Try one of those little bulk as your own skm. i big squashy foxesa short or long Their materials are light in both shawl collar. You can roll 'em up looks and feel. But that's because under your chin till they're as cozy of the modern way they're woven as an Eskimo's pukkah.

Modem woolens don't have to be Those new draped collars of flat ng as coal and oil and abundant and accessible CAST IRON" wood stove for sale. Only used one season. Cost new $11. Will sell for $4,78. 450 Sixth Ave.

So. Thomas, and Messrs. Philip Sweet, Herbert Sweet, Douglas Cook, Furen, James Deverlch, William Payne, Hubert Foreman, Phil Miller, William Miller. Hansford Shaw, Charles Clifford, Robert Wall is. Cordon Graham, Oscar S.

(Jower, Alan Wllliard Brown. A. Webster, Powell, Koliert War-field. Herbert D'Ornut. Seed.

Hardy Bryan. Shattuck. William Hcott, Doyle KdW Co-well. Clarence Bennett, James thinks that one article which he mailed me should meet with the approval of the many who are tak-inc the "rap" standing UP and not but one nossible eontlmi- given at the Ritz-Carlton for Peggy Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alonze Potter and granddaughter of the late Bishop Henry Codrnan Potter of the Episcopal diocese of New-York.

Natalie Coe, belle of Charleston, ft. cM came out Christmas night at a big party for which the Ritz-Carlton ballrooms were made over into a southern plantation In full holiday dress. Miss Coe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson Coe of Fifth avenue and Cherokee plantation, Charleston.

Most of the girls for whom hie debuts are given are fulltime de- More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE (Copyrlglit, 1930. by The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) )f energy other than thft thick and heavy to be warm. But it isn't only their materials-it's they way they're made, too, that keejis these winter coats so warm.

olation of physical prtn- Who was it said they all come back? Rose Hobart, who is an amazingly good actress and an amazingly homely person, made two pictures in Hollywood, one for Universal and one for Fox. But I am telling you she registered, because the girl can act and she has personality. She left here because she felt she wasn't getting the salaryshe thought she should get, and announced she was going to New York on the stage where she was appreciated. Now she Is coming back to make pictures for Universal on a long term contract. A smart boy.

that Junior Laemmle, for Rose Hobart can do something really very big if given the chance. furs you can button or tie them as close as you like. And the cap collars of fur give just double warmth over the xbouldera and back, even when they're crushed up around the throat. Separate Jackets Fort Myers Man To Manage Pheil Charles Rally, manager of the Arcade theater in Fort, Myers, has been made manager of the Phell theater, according to announcement by Jesse Clark, city manager of Sparks interests here. Mr.

Rally has been with the Sparks theaters for a number of years. My correspondents are as anxious as I am, evidently, to know why It was the Heattle women wanted to drive their neighbor out. I make one more plea now for the explanation. Is It forthcoming? Jf I'm wrong, write me, care Universal Hervice, 63 I'arl How, New York City). Another stove about the same story.

Mrs. Sara Redding ordered this ad run for three days, beginning December 18. but it brought a buyer the first day. Mrs. E.

W. Love ordered this small ad run in The Times for three days, beginning Saturday. December 13. It brought her a buyer for the bed the first morning, however, so she called at The Times, had it cancelled, and was given a refund for the unused portion of her order. About the same story here: This ad was also ordered for three days, but it brought a buyer for the stove before breakfast the first morning, and so was cancelled.

The advertiser was given a refund. Warner ordered this ad run in The Times for three days, but received etHHlgh calls the first morning to have resulted in the sale of a dozen rugs, if he'd had them. This ad brought the Eastman company over a dozen calls, but the first arrival, early the first morning, got the house. George E. Wright reports that this ad not only brought him buyers for all of the articles the first day.

but brought some of them before he had gotten out of bed. Mr. Wright has a hard time with his ads. They always bring people to bother him. Though this ad was given to The Times with the wrong address, and appeared in print that way.

it resulted in the sale of the Easy Washer the first morning. ml that no physicist Tedif Touve noticed how widely many well up about the throat. And this coat buttons at the waist to hold it snug against the wind. The coat in the center gives you Buasey. Jack Slaughter Rnivliutd of hem wrap.

This gives a double FOR SALE Axmlnster taupe rug, 8x12 slightly damaged. $10. P9 I8th Ave. X. Sham James Hendry, complaining, even though fate or the dear Lord has yanked the entire universe out from under their feet.

Some people who get married, he says, Should consult a mail order house where they supply everythinK to make a home complete, and throw In the bride fnd music for good measure, including safety pins for the future. i iwr iiHiiriciii. If it were possible that thickness of material over the front pi warmth ail down the from of the hfVlv. Thousands of them are One of the newest ways of mak- double Wood. Dick Holland.

I larKaon, Clark Uourlry, Jack Puryear, Hnrrj Homer Dhilin William Mil- in trie water or me any process whatever, iih Us wide fur border. The collar belted, That keeps them snug and mg coats extra warm Is by adding warm at the waist. And it leaves some sort of separate fur jacket the hands free to be slipped into at that's worn over the cont. Short muff tf you want to and keut i boleros of fur that reach to the combine on the earths i helium, oxygen, carbon, comes up high around the neck and hutantes. and their educations nave the wide sleeve has a close-fitting been completed.

But male guests under-cuff. Both this coat and the for the parties are largely recruited one at the left, have good wrapovers I from nearby colleges, which ac- licon, energy would in enormous auantitiea THEATERS TODAY waistline are one well-known kind and you may other show dur four days, as warm, too. fnr Hie tremendous rusn oi VOIR WINTER HOME FREE We have. a 10-room, two-bath, well furnished hollow tile-stucco home, only two block from Mirror Lake, for $750 for the yer. Vou can get your rent free and part of vour living out ot this place.

Egad, mage us prove it. See Johnson. Eastman Realty 71 Central Ave. Ph. 8975.

and no violation of tha Iho rnnqprvHlinn ltt parties during the holiday period. The cost and size of modern com There's not much chance for wind Separate rapes, or pelerines, as the to breeze up the sleeves of this win- French Call them, are another, ter's coats. Fashion has seen to It These, of course, can be removed that the majority of sleeves fit close and worn separately over a wool that make two thicknesses of mater-! ial in the front. i The coat at the right is belted and is cut with an extra wide wrap is the i cape collar that gives so much corn- a Wished thermodynamic t- In thin A scarf can be placed or across a modernistic table, stand or chair so that the harsher angles are subdued. Grouping Another method Is to assemble the things most closely allied with the modernistic and use grouping to help in the assimilation.

Pick out the articles that reflect somewhat the same general characteristics, and range them so that the eyes In pleasant paths to the new type. One Good Solution There are- ways of handling each situation of this sorrt although to be frank It Is regretable when new furniture has to suffer Its peculiar iso ing out parlies has taken them on' i at the wrists. Even when the sieve dress on days that are very mild. CUES' THE 1 even have a coat lined i fort over the shoulders and back. is wide and full like the coat above1 Y'ou can it? sHio.

creaiea inoiw juua roys, adding: IX. PLAZA "Just Imagine," with El Brendel and Maureen O'Sullivan. PHEIL "The Silver Horde," with Evelyn Brent. ALCAZAR "Monta Carlo," with Jeanette McDonald and Jack Buchanan. CAMEO "Dawn Patrol." with Richard Barthelmess.

CAPITOL "Rain or Shine," with H0P8LKSS know 1 ought to read the works of Milton, 1 know I ought to reads the works of Milton, Whose verses I am told are most sublime, One cannot be educated Who has seldom contemplated The work ot such a man of such a time. I know that Kdmund Spenser was a wonder. That I ought to know "The Fairta Queene" by heart, If 1 nurse the least ambition To attain the crulttion Which arises from a grasp of noble art. I ought to read the stuff about Piers Plowman, Mr. Chaucer I should have upon my tongue, I am told the dear old fellow-Had a style extremely mellow Though a foggy form of rhetoric he slung.

There are divers books of Smollett, Sterns, and Fielding. There are even bonks by Dickens, and by Scott, Which 1 ought to know minutely And to comment on astutely Which, I own, with burning shame, that I cannot. But I need a bit of time to make mv living, I have to read the tidings of the day, And a thousand folks are writing Novels thrilling and exciting. Which. whenonce begun, I cannot put away.

So I still remain an utter Ignoramus, Knowing nothing. of the literary seers, Through the wisdom of the ages May be found up in their pages, For I don't expect to live a thousand years. A lady writes to know why she doesn't get any thrill out of her hus- hand any more when she has been married only eight years. It's questions like that one that send girls behind bars to cut paper dolls. I'm writing her with special delivery stamp to carry it faster.

It's too bad girls like that can't find some real trouble to worry about. She says she adores him and couldn't Imagine life without him. Ho hum! Sounds like: "I love my husband and he loves me and we are very happy and we. have plenty of money and a new car and what shall we do about it?" jng run 1 expect science he method of science, REFRIGERATOR. capacity, soltd oak dining room table and 6 reed bottom chairs, $25; fate leg table, ma-hoganv finish.

$10: writing desk and chair. console Victrola and records F.nglander.itay bed. Tel. 44-048. of amateur hands for the most part, professional counsel Is available to the wealthy.

Social advisors plan everything except the dress and her invitation list and can even lend a hand with that in a pinch. FLORONTON HOTEL Gl KSTS ENJOY CHRISTMAS PARTY ler. Richard Bell. Dick Barnes, Jack KoHey, John Knowlton, Robert Bany, Red Mean. Ely Rata, Atansun Treat, Rudolph lafwia, Arthur Thompson, Harold MeCarty, John C.

Beech-er. Harry Black. William Hettdrickn, Ned West, Clarence Shelton, Alfred Anderson, Paul Kaniss, Franklin Vonnegut, Roderick Webb, William Tbomasson, Norman Johns, Harold Riker. Dallas Bowman. Maurice L.

Hoilins, George Bushey. John ornery, Stanley Ernest, Everett Sellers, John Rime. Ed Billman. William Valentine, Gordon Reld, Frank Tuppen, Clarence Thomas, Jerry Wright, Emerson Whalen, John Newitt, John Wallace Ballev, D. J.

Darin, J. K. Dexter, J. A. Carter, Fred J.

Charles Hicks, Marshall Lipscomb, and Joe Bart left and Miss Mildred Buck. Miss Marian Charoblias, Bert Livingston, Cliff Livingston and E. 15. i tart let of Tampa. SOCIETY CALENDAR All Is not peace and good will between Evelyn Brent and Columbia Pictures.

Evelyn's Christmas wishes didn't include Columbia Pictures. She says she has been waiting and waiting for them to make up their minds, so she signed a contract with M. H. Hoffman to play the lead in "Women Like Men." Now Columbia in an aggrieved manner accused her of having promised to he at the studio Jan. 2 to make pictures for them.

We never go into fights and we never take sides We are only printing what Betty told us. Jack Cohn Is still hopeful that Betty will have a change of heart and come back to Columbia, but Betty says not a chance. to a new shaving cream because he thought it might make him more irresistible to his own wife? "Here are two hundred recipes, guaranteed to make a happy home and a devoted husband," begins one cook-book which is widely sold to young housewives, who pore over it anxiously, having been told by older wise women that the surest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Have you ever heard of a man who took Up the study of anything seriously, simply in Ordar to make his wnfe a more devoted and Rppreciat 1 ve compan Ion? And look at the thousands of women who are starving and suffering to reduce, solely to please one particular man. Can you tell me of any man you know who is trying take off weight to please his wife, or to make her fonder of him? Men reduce because they feel uncomfortably fat, or because the doctor tells them to.

No man would go through the torments endured by the loving wife who is tired of seeing her husband flirting with the slim pretty young things so unlike herself. Don't you think, Thomas that roan might be expected to exert some effort In holding his wife's affections? Haven't you a little time left over from such important matters as golf, and business and bridge, to devote to keeping your life-partner, keenly appreciative and happy. The intelligent woman realizes perfectly that she must make some special effort to keep her husband interested in her. There's no reason why an intelligent male being shouldn't understand his part of the job. Just a little extra thought and care can make all the difference In this marriage business.

So stop feelinc offended at the idea 1 of having to keep your wife's love ji bjf a little extra work. She's prob-ifmHy doing her best t.riiakea,you 8th happy, and if sh" gWes you a hint once in a while as to how you ouMht to act, take her advica, and keep peace in the home. way toward solving tha ent, problem." if yours is names hidden classified ads. PERSONALS John E. Porter of East Liverpool, Ohio, is spending his first, season in the city with hrs mother, Mrs.

Porter Bough, 3095 Tangerine avenue. Mrs. Curtis Fleeton of Magabore, Ohio, is a guest at the Detroit hotel for the season. Mrs. O.

Wold and Miss Ethel Wold of Austin, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. West at their home at the Florl-de-Leon apartments.

The Rev. T. I. Deane, pastor of the Euclid Presbyterian church, with his family, is spending several days in Sanfoni. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold J. GlhBfire and son, Harold J. jr of Chicago, are spending the holidays with Mr. Gtlmore'B parents, Mr.

and Mrs, James Oilmore, at the Flori-de-Leon Jungle Hotel Plans Formal Opening For Dec. 31 Following the usual round of Christmas activities, the Jungle hotel is again preparing for its annual runni ne uitir I IiUluo, mini. ITCD wicitc MTV lation by having to be combined with old. If an article is ill at ease in its new try to change It, if you can, for another that naturally harmonizes with what you The lobby of the Floronton hotel was gavly decorated in polnsettlas. I I Lll, I vl IV VII I SATURDAY Saturday Bridge dub, Mrs.

C. A. Anderson, 338 Seventh avenue south. Children's story hour, public library, 10 a. University Women's club bridge luncheon honoring Miss Helen Kim and Miss Mary Settle, Deermont hotel, 12:30 p.

m. Claude! circle, Mrs. H. Durant Rose, 523 Tenth avenue south, 1:30 p. m.

Saturday Bridge club, Mrs. Caroline Miller and Mrs. George Lewis, 2974 Pinellas Point drive, 2 p. nt, CHI A. NINTH STREET "Gypsy of the North," with Georgia Hale, and fourth chapter of "Mansion of Mystery." Matinee.

Pine, hollv mistletoe and festoons of red and green, tor tne rnnsimas EAST Washing Machine In the best cooditlon, $30. John D. Stone, 1417 1st St. Apt. 3.

H. Reynolds, who was in urge of mine planting in eve party which was given for the euests. In one corner of the room ea during the world war, Ih Mrs. Reynolds for a 9TH 8T. 4 THEATRE I UU 10c stood a lovely Christmas tree, beau-tifully decorated and lighted and laden with gifts.

Later in the eve- dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. fteenth avenue northeast. BIRTHS nolds is now retired from $10 REWARD for ii whereabouts of J' PACIFIC Central a nine Charles Talbot, as Santa.

Claus, To remove wrinkles from a coat, lay the garment ut flat on the kitchen table. Sponge the lining lightly with a damp cloth, then put the coat on a hangar, and brush the wrinkles with a damp whisk hroom. Repeat several times. Leave the coat on the hangar until It Is dry, preferably out of doors. his entrance heralded by the ring Huntington Hotel Gives Party on Christmas Silent FietUTM nth St.

and 18th Ave. Friday and Saturday GKonOE HALE In "THE GYPSY Of THE NORTH" Ufa Chapter of "Hoone of Mystm" remedy Matinee, Saturday, tiJO P. M. LOST The city park, near 3rd Ave. Xo ladies' black handbag containing card, Mrs.

J. M. Andrews, also money. Return to Wgwam Hotel. Reward.

This ad appeared in The Times jut ...1,, one morning, and resulted in the return of the handbag, which contained $535 AJX in cash. New Year's Eve party which has become a social tradition among the smart set of winter visitors and local society folk. The affair this year wjlt be a supper dance celebrating the New Year as well as the formal opening of the Jungle hotel. The gayest of entertainment and unusual favors are promised by those in charge of the dance. Music for the event will be furnished, by Luke Atkins and his Jungle hotel orchestra, which will play nightly in the west lounge of ing of bells and the tune of Jingle Bells" played by Miss Vora Smith.

The Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Stein -lach, Eleventh street north, announce the arrival of a son, Robert Hermann, born on Dec.

10 at Mound Park hospital. 'HICAI. 440 Second street Tf F.hhecks. treasurer. distributed the gifts.

An entertaining feature of the eve- Another woman writes me that her husband doesn't love her as he used to and tells her he thinks a lot of another woman and wants her to invite the woman to their home. What of that? It's much better to have a look at her and not have the man sneaking off to meet her where there is much more danger. I don't think he loves the other woman or he wouldn't want to bring her home. He probably likes her and it's evident he wants you to like her. Try to, and don't Imagine things.

After you meet her and see them together you can decide whether not it's friendship. If he doesn't love you, or you think he doesn't, don't be asking him If he does. Pretend without saying any- ting, Wednesdays, 8 p. m. oom open Mondays from NO' TO WHOMSOEVER Pleane taltH nutli Ship of N.

O. Mcrot V. I. ICumatsos ope; name of Ninth Stn rant at 3 ntli Street solved, and the ai undersigned. p.

a. 13, NICK apartments. Miss Catherine Gerstenberger of Cincinnati Is at the Florl-de-Leon apartments, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. L.

Gerstenberger. Mrs. Elizabeth Goodyear and daughter Jean, of Detroit, are the houseguests of Mrs. A. M.

Holland at the Florl-de-Leon apartments. Mrs. J. Watkins and Miss Mary I suspect Warner Brothers wish now they hadn't been so generous with Ben Lyon and loaned him to United Artists. They are ready to start shooting now and Gloria Swan-son's picture is still held up.

Ben Lyon, whether Gloria's next is a United Artists opus or "Rockabye" for Paths (as it will probably be), is Gloria's leading man. He was engaged a long time ago and Warner Brothers thought he, would be finished and ready to play the male lead in "Party Husband" and "Night Nurse." As a matter of fact, Gloria's picture hasn't so much as started, but It will be started right after Christmas. ning was the English playlet, "The Beau of Batli" a Christmas scene of p. m. MR AND MRS.

W. JOHNM1N HOST AT CHRISTMAS DINNER An enjoyable UhrlstaM dinner wag given at the West Coast inn by Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Johnson tor their guests this year at Johnson court. The long table specially ranged was attractively decorated with flowers and candles carrying out the holiday colors. Hadley B. Hmiih presided as toast master and impromptu talks and clever reading were given by several of the other guest a. Those" present were Mrs.

R. H. MARS STHJ, BISY More rumors of disturbances beyond the Andes. All rot on the western front again. PROGRESS The hand that once rocked the cradle is now grabbing at the steering wheel.

TAKING CHANCES If Judge Lindsay Isn't careful he will be getting his name Into the papers one of these days. CAMEO Mrs. Simonds Here For Winter Season WILL trade Dyre Hughes organ for cabinet victrola. Call 81 17th St. No-Mrs, L.

L. Headley. church, fitfi Fifth avenue W. Younir. minister.

i5 1750, which was presented by Alice Hare Connell, Vora Smith and Charles Talbot. The stage setting and costumes of this scene in the THE DARLINGS "A Marlins Fla' tn Dine" Strictly Home Cooked Food The Best 50c Oinner in Town Siimlnv hleken Winner 5e ami 90c "A RrntiMirant of nintlmtlon" 1068 Fourth Street North hool 9:45. I service 11 a. "The 169 CENTRAL Lee and Paul Barnes, owners and operators of the Huntington hotel, entertained their guests and many St. Petersburg friends with a parly at the hotel Christmas night.

During the early part; of the evening the MufltklgtOB orchestra, under ihe direction of Bears Henuin-ger, played for the guests as they or, ne nigw having Writ Ptfsged on." 7' 'nut imiinsr of Christ inn Practice," and Answer to Ques- Today's Menu life of Beau Brummel were lovely and the characters ably portrayed. During the evening Mr. Talbot sang a group of solos and Mrs, Connell read several Christmas selections In her charming manner. WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS HOLDS ALL DAY MEETING 7:45 p. m.

Class, Prac- FOR SALE Two No. 300 Perfection oil heaters. $2 50 each. Good condition. 1 5-gallon oil can.

$.80. "Pair andlrions and fire tools with stand. $4. Call be-iwppn 10 and 3 today. 10S1 11th St.

So. (northeast corner James the hotel throughout the season. The Jungle hotel management entertained its guests wtih an old fashioned family party on Christmas eve. A huge Christmas tree filling one corner of the west lounge was artistically decorated by the guests. Attending the party were: Mr, and Mrs.

Charles Smith, Oneonta, N. Mrs. Clara Porcher, Oneonta, N. Y. Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. McCahan, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs.

Henry G. Peddle, Wenonah, N. i Mrs, J. Disston-Allen, Philadelphia, who are all spending their fifth sea 7:45 p. in.

Class, Lessons Welch of are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Wagner, 809 Eighteenth avenue north. Mrs.

Margaret Louise Reid of Gulf port, who has been ill with heart trouble at her home, York street south, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Martin and Children, Betty Lou and Jack, arrived Friday afternoon to spend the week-end with Mr.

Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Martin, 5110 Tangerine avenue.

Mrs. Daniel Suuonds of Long-meadow, Fitch burg, and the Hotel Gotham, New York, accom-panined by Miss Nina Richmond, arrived Friday at the Soreno hotel. Mrs. Simonds figures prominently in the social life of the hotel, and is one of the community's most ardent goiters. It was largely through her efforts and financial support that the Tf the neck of a bottle is broken when opening, tie a pad of absorbent cotton over the top of another bottle and pour contents of broken bottle through It.

Cotton will catch pieces of glass as liquid is poured I rough. TOURIST CENTER DANCING SCHOOL TOURIST CENTER HALL and 2nd Avenue North) Conducted by Louis Butler Phone LAST DAY RICHARD BARTHELMESS "DAWN PATROL" With -Doug Fairbanks, ir. Neil Hamilton AIM Chapter Seven 'INDIANS are COMING' and Comedy DANCING COLISEUM SATURDAY 7:15 p. m. Mid-weeK ice.

An nil dav meeting was held by (I, 111. I.JMIHT-O Prosperity meditation, in to 4. You're always the Women's Relief Corps Friday at the O. A. R.

hall. After a delight LOST Plain gold 'Greek letter fraternity pin; engraved on reverse side with S. Sullivan, Rochester, Finder please return to M. F. Henry at Times Bulncss Office and receive reward.

iivr and son, Robert, and daughter, Nancy, Lakewoed. Mr. and Mrs. H. D.

Earl, Stonlngtou, Maine; Mr. aud Mrs. Otto Bcnarmann, Johnstown, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H.

Stone, is. Augusta P. Hus-aey, Beverly, Mr. May L. Dtnmm, Syracuse, N.

Y. Mrs. J. George Ould, Amity ville, N. Mr.

and Mrs. Oliver Slack, this city; Mr. and Mrs. M. S.

Waixel, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. D. ft Jocabs, Lafayette, lnd. Mr.

and Mrs. Hadley B. Smith, this city and New Jersey; Mr. find Mrs. Milton H.

Johnson, Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rogers, Toledo, O.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hobe, East Islip, N. ful luncheon short program war- their cost is far below their Intrinsic beauty.

Plaid Blouses Fashion has gone back several decades ago and revived the blouse of plaid silk. Somehow or other they do not look garish and qn the right person are immensely chic. Onyv Jewelry There la a vogue just now for simulated onyx Jewelry inlaid with gold leaf after the fashion of the brooches and necklaces and bracelets worn by our great grandmother. Suede Jackets The new suede jackets which one gltmpsaa under sport coats are of bright shades of red, blue, green or yellow. They are great favorites with college and boarding school girls.

IVfl. IVnfm-v Ti iv presented which was followed by the assembled, A delight fill buffet dinner lias been arranged In the Japanese room, and the guests filed past the long table on which had been heaped tempting viands, and then found places in the big ball room, the center of which was taken up with a gaily decorated Christmas tree, and about the liase of which had been heaped presents for all of the guests. Santa Claus, Impersonated by Ray Wllber, came in at an appropriate moment and distributed the presents wtih niuiiv a gay sally and tSALIST, UNITARIAN ake Drive and Arlington son at the Jungle hotel; Mr. and business session of the organisation. Mrs.

Laura Williams and Mrs. Bessie Kelchburg were admitted Into BREAKFAST: Chilled Grapefruit, Cereal with Cream, Baked Beans, I Chill Sauce, Date Muffins, Coffee. DINNER: Roast Fork with Dressing, Fried Apple Rings, Sweet Potatoes, Creamed Cauliflower, Lettuce, Russian Dressing, Cranberry Nut Pie, Coffee. SUPPER: Oyster Souffle, Clover-leaf Rolls, Sliced Teaches, Whipped Cream, Cookies, Ginger Ale. Dale Muffins Two cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon sugar, teaspoon salt, 1 egg, scant cup milk, i tablespoons melted butter.

Sift flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, add beaten eK. milk and melted but ir Vim still Demand the fbat tlne at Alida Coffee Shop Floronton Dining Room Dinner 75c and $1.00 Luncheons 50c Main Entrance 23 Second St. No. Stannard Dow Butler D. tic.

11:00 ft. "How Christmas Dinner Enjoyed at Club The Shrine club, beautifully decorated In brilliant Christmas colors, was the scene of many merry dinner parties Christmas day. At one table were Messrs. and Mesdames W. Frank lln, O.

Dalton McNalr. Charles 3. Dengler, George SLeteftder, J. L. Smith, D.

W. Frazier, F. J. Oalla-nough, Mrs. Sophie K.

James and Mrs. A. N. Abbott. In another group were Dr.

and Mrs. Head, Helen Head, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Francis, Bernlce Frances and Helen Frances, all from Michigan.

Dr. and Mrs. E. Lyman, the Rev. and Mrs.

F. B. Webster. Mr. and Mrs.

G. E. Row, Judge and Mrs. Willis G. French, Dr.

and Mrs. C. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. H.

F. At-wooil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank W. Snyder, Pro- Starts Today! Samuel Grade, Lakeland; Mr. Mrs. G.

8. Skillings, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.

Wellinghoff K. V. Wellinghoff, Elmira, Clearwater course was built and since she has been coming to the Soreno she has chosen Rocky Point as her favorite links, where it has been her custom to sponsor several interesting tournaments dining the winter. Mrs. Simonds received an enthusiastic, welcome from her many friends in Ihe hotel.

Mrs. and Me. and full membership and it. was reported When making biscuits, doughnuts, cookies and jumbles, the softer you can handle dough after turning It on to the board, and the less you handle it the better results you will get. fsiamcnt Came to Be.

hool, a. superln- I. TRUCK FLOWER GARDENERS. ATTENTION! Sell all or any part very reasonable; Mvera electric water pump, complete with pipe and fittings; Planet Jr. cultivator and seeder; 8,000 fladtola bulbs.

Apply HQ lth St. No. Sunday or 430 9th St, later. that 23 baskets had been sent to "Trade" ads gel results in the greater number of cases. This one appeared in The Times just one morning, but resulted in the trading of the organ for the cabinet victrola desired.

Though this id appeared in The Times just one day, it brought eight calls and resulted in the sale of all of the articles listed. It was just a tiny fraternity pin. easy to lose and hard to find, but this ad resulted in its return the first morning. This ad was run just one day, by the proprietor of the Parkhurst Garage, but resulted in the sale of all of the articles listed except part of the gladiola bulbs, -i Some one driving into St. Petersburg, by way of ihe Gaudy Bridge, received oiie of the free copies of The Times given away at the toll gate every day.

He turned to the classified advertising section, saw this ad, answered it and immediately rented the house. This ad brought Mrs. W. F. Woodard three calls the first day it appeared in The Times and resulted in the sale of the refrigerator.

took only one insertion of this ad to rent, the house. fRl'lT specials, boes, oranges, i kumquati, jelly, Crystaltred fruit, Miller's Prut Pa HUNT To send "Thank 1 cardF. For your Si -1 a nice line of nol Items tn hflp yi Come while the is large. 8. Mi First i do: ClTRl 858 CEN Hp Gift of Kin Ma' shir to any i Ptne orange tancpri ne bv the quar SPAXISH, Fruncti reasonable rats year' epJ ate 18) LOST Ti We -an retrace SFPclaltj.

1 mbrel palrnd. Trunks an thor. rst a rt t'lamnnd mini lea-, Ing it, A carat, mimt lie aei real sacrifice, $: atnmint. Ki itm-K. H.

Kanlm li ri Fon Tn a CI.ASSIl1 WE li(i NoT' BOAST, Rl'T CAHDS AftK 1 MOT. PALM Flits' ih "shut-ins" during Ihe holidays rs. l.llllHii i min'i i Mrs. Alfred Jacques, mor! inir. D.

m. SI N. MON. TI ES. Paul Wlilleman KING OP JAZZ" With John Boles and that Mrs.

D. C. Billman had do-Rated five dollars toward the wel Mm Irene Hill. TIlOllllOll. 1 lid.

Ml'. rge H. West, Jr. Irs. l.ura Fullerton Yoke: The morning was devoted to sports fare work.

Mrs. Valles Billman was trie Komsen nry, unraon list. Miss Anna B. West. llutinn i flYtpmleii to elected chaplain and Mrs.

Mary ALCAZAR Weyland was elected guard of the corps. At the close of Ihe business and Mrs. A. B. Hamilton, Norwalk, Mr, and Mrs.

W. C. Snmlley. Lafayette, fmll Mrs. Albert Neu-kom and Mr.

and Mrs. W. Forest, Toledo, Mr. Bert Boyd, this city and Norfolk, Mr. ami Mrs.

W. M. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs, 3, W. Johnson, city.

1 P. M. TO 11 P. M. Children 10c Adults 25c quip at the expense of the members of the good natured assemblage.

Those privileged to enjoy the. hospitality of the Barnes voted it the best Of the many Huntington parties they had ever attended, and the Huntington Is noted for its Southern y. meeting the gifts from the Christ-j now 1 ter. Sift flour, baking powder, bat-p. TMlx nil together well.

Flour A painted black and gold tray of the eighteenth century period Is used to make the top of a coffee table. It would be a charming acquisition to a room done in eighteenth century furniture. 914 CENTRAL 4 moTt N. Mr. and Mrs.

D. P. Olmstea.i of Perth Amboy, N. who are at the Jungle for their third season; Mr. and Mrs W.

T. Anderson, and Disston Anderson, Philadelphia, guests of McCahan's, and Miss Bell rice Melius, Oneonta, N. Y. From the Jungle colony were: Mr. and Mrs.

Nelson P. Snow, Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Irving S. Menell, Syracuse; Mr.

ami Mrs. John J. O'Doiiobue, Plalnsfleld. N. P.

3. M. Dillon, Laurence, guest of Mr. and Mrs. O'Doiioiitte, and Miss Virginia Tucker, Shaueateles, N.

who is a guest of the Men-ell this wlntafi $125 Season For rent by owner, bungalow, all conveniences, accommodate 4 persons. Srreened porches; garafe; wonderful, garden land. Near school and stores. Apply 1830 29lh St. South.

mas were distributed. A. Joint installation of Hie G. A. you set out i -i post and the W.

R. C. will take place LAST TIMES TODAY Tiiiiiirt 1urrnWATT 'RTTPH AM AM K1AJN I Last Times Today 1 by most of the Soreno's family of guests. Two new goiters have been added to Hie list. They are Judge Frederick M.

Peasley, Cheshire, who has arrived recently, and Mr. Mayo 8. Purple, East Hampton, who lias been prevented from playing because of an injured arm. More than a score from the hotel play dally, and manw of them have chosen the l.akewood course. Several of the younger set were riding from Crawford's, including Mrs.

K. T. Allen and the Misses Josephine, Esther and Dorothy Sands, Mrs. William ft. Forsythe of New-Have has returned to the Sorano for her usual season visit, and others II a i Jan.

8 at 2 o'clock at the G. A. R. hall. Al I'll A OMR RON PI SORORITY in Ernst Liihitsch's EL BRENDEL That Comical Swede In II Rex Beach's "MONTE CARLO 2-3 cup chopped and pitted dates and add to batter.

Half fill greased muffin tins and bake in moderate oven (BOO decrees) 18 to 20 minutes. Make 14 muffin, Creamed Cauliflower Remove the leaves, rut off stock and soak hour, head down, In cold, salted water. Cook head up an hour or more In boiling, salted water. Drain, separate the flowerets and add a cream sauce. M.

nine To Br" ZKTA TAP ALPHA SORORITY OIVKS PARTY AT UVPSY INN A charming bridge luncheon was given Friday in the Gypsy Inn by the Zi-t a Tan Alpha alumnae elm liter of Florida. Slate College lor Women, in honor Of. the student members home tor the holidays. The Paramount Operetta ikn Vlliiiilimip Vnrietv: "At Hume" WYi POR SALE Small refrigerator; first-class condition; JO-lb. capacity.

$7. 650 Third Ave. So. TO Gl YE DINNER DANCE Alpha PI chapter of Alpha Omi cron PI sorority will hold Its annual Christmas dinner dance tonight at ler alUPlI JUST IWAbini; "The Silver Horde" with Evelyn Brant Louis tVolhelm lean Arthur Von' II like It I i lessor anu jihiioi-k, nr. mm Mrs.

George Wanl-nburg, Mr. and Mrs, Laughner, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.

Soule, Sir Henry Butterworth and Mrs. Butterworth, Mr, and Mrs. Britton, Mrs. Davenport and 3. L.

Snyder were a merry party at another table. Dining together in another group were Messrs. and Mesdames C. H. N'einver, E.

Walki W. W. Walker, C. F. Walter, P.

Hubbard, V. Dennis, W. S. Mattison, J. D.

Arnold, and the Misses M. D. Greenlaw, Margaret Hubbard, Helen Y. Harbuck and Messrs. Kenneth Arnold, Horace William, Percy Hubbard Karl Hubbard, R.

I'll-rich. Dr. James Morrison and Mrs. the Soreno hole). Members in the ,1 Sm Mr.

I 1 llltcl-lofl with 1 In ill tP Welcome ted. isunr xui In thu regflistering were Mr. and Mrs. F. n'i hmdi COTTAGE, 5 rooms and bath, newly decorated, fruits and flowers; close In, south side.

Tou can not equal this tn the city. $300 for season. Clyde Goodrich, 105 2nd Ave, tf, or at Bennetfe Pharmacy. Frank Albertson nia.lllt'nn BAU LKC (M ENTERTAINS WITH CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST The Bab-Lec i lull and a few friends were entertained al a Christ-tnns Eve breakfast at, the home of Miss IjbPi-pIIo McNew, Third avenue south. The guests were seated at small tallies which were decorated in the irolMtry colors.

Those attending were the Misses Tliomas, June Glasco*ck, Genevieve Morris, Rulh Morris, Ji Bates, Jo MoCIurs and Messrs. William Porter, William Watts, Shirley Miller, La Verne Thomas, Charles Thomas, Edward Turvllle, Tom Davis, Jack l'liiyeur and Robert Boston. MB. AND MRS. SAM KR.VISON ARE HOSTS AT DINNER PARTY Mr, and Mrs.

Sam Knit son en lional sorority will meet for a special dinner at the Soreno tonight. Mrs, P. Owens of Torento, sister-in-law of Mr. c. W.

Owens, St. Petersburg, haa engaged rooms at Ihe Soreno for the season, and Mr. and Mrs. D. R.

1 1. Walker from Atlanta are expected the first of the week to remain all winter. I AWff I i ami ii Ml JEAN HKRSHOLT I cHy who will attend are the Mlflaes Frances Knapp, Evelyn Pilkington. Marguerita Filz, Dorothy Filz, Mary Jane Sheldon, Thelma Phlpps, Louise Worrell, Myrtlle Harris, June Ftllmer, Clair Fillmer, denelle Spence Maureen STARTING SUNDAY Brightest Spot tn Town I 1 klll Jr-." Iff vr TCI TTrri in. oc I H.

Clowes, New York; Mrs, K. .1. Mack, Chicago: Mr. G. W.

Ireland, New York; Miss Evelyn Mixta, H. T. Ram Say, and 3. R. Mixis, New Oyster Souffle Drain and pick over 1 pint of oysters, remove the hard muscle and i rut the oysters in small pieces.

Cook 8 tablespoons of flour in 2 tablespoon ot butter, season with teaspoon of salt and a dash of A AT LAST I "Always a Good Show" and Margaret Abbott, Miss Rostlnnd I A Dl hlh More Enjoyment York. Mrs. Van Der Beck and her sou Karl ho have been Spending two weeks at the hotel with the HI IRPM LIBRARY STAFF LNJOY I I UPON Kennedy and Miss Mildred Williams from Tallahassee, and Miss Mary mi Walker, Miss Merle McDermld I and Miss Helen Bisz from Miami, LH run Till? AT It 1 pepper, add slowly cup or miik anu stir until smooth and thick. Add the "Trent 'Km Hough" "TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS REACH THE PEOPLE An elaborate luncheon was served Jl uiia jti.ii inc. Mr.

and Mrs, Eugene ffarke, Mr. K. Rlgua.Il and Miss Jane Quail Clarke were together, and Mr. The "Better Hftlvai slde of the World Vr! "WAR NURSE" with Robert MonUomerj' June Walker Anita Pese Marie Prevent Robert Amu Oh boy! VVhdt a cjt! What a tha membera of the library staff Central at Fifth Rt Hilarious Comedy prepared oysters, 1 teaspoon of table sauce and the beaten yolks of 3 luncheon table in the Butterfly room was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and canillelabra, with place (aids and bonbonnieres in shades to match. After luncheon, bridge tables were set up in the I 'at in.

where coffee and Gypsy inn tarts were served after the prize winners were announced, Miss Market Kvans won first, Miss Nannie Griffin second and Miss Mar-Kiirei Woodward low prise. Those present War Mesdames Kd Harris, Al Strum, the Misses Elizabeth Smith, Mildred Kaniss, Margaret Woodward, Ada Woodward, Helen Lynch, Sarah Heard, Elizabeth Or. mak, Florense Hall, Dorothy Stovall, Nannie Criffin. Mary Hume, Margaret Evans, Mary Blair Andersigi. Margaret Lynch and Suzanne Mor fti North are among the out of-town members i who will attend the banquet.

Riot i A AT.v arW MAT. 1UC-Z0C "iwni JY mr" VLalmiBl "Hkst soi nd in town' mkmm ADMISSION FREE I JTPpW TONIGHT, DECEMBER 27th I I'nTOlTT? TOURIST CENTER I tin 1st St. No. BALL ROOM I Sour hM nance tn IU 2nd Ave. and 2nd St.

North I and awi or inliitililc MllwllBI II egg, fold In he stiffly-beaten whites, turn into buttered cup and bake about It minutes. A CIAMO A most magnifl $4,000 that in us Th'ie ai 41 cu ef diamonds set COLE JEW UOj WAEP The Ja nr k. able warm house ponstiM, if dei or IF YOt RSAU IMI" NINTH UR mim I I fiXHiT Stl Mwgriohs A MKT," ooV. fii.v Ht. I'eti- Sflt 1' iurHi 1'BEatA are I'MHU MtMlra en ail ers, cheap, del erator, ignlttnn houaehnld applU Wi'lard Eattery Central.

Ph. tertained the following friends at a nuninnette' Novelty REACH THEM FIRST" Wednesday at noon in the living room Of the library. Polnsettla were used In decoration and a beautifully trimmed Christmas tree held Klfts for every one. Those enjoying the PRrtV were tha Misses Mary O. K.

S. TO INSTALL OFFICERS An Installation of the officers of Eureka chapter '6 O. H. Will be held tonight at delightful Christmas dinner. MS dames Jolly, Bray, Wade, Cogley and the Misses l'u)eton.

Gol't-n former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Schroder of East Orange, returned north Friday eve'nlng, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garmony of PNutnlnf ton, who followed their usual custom Of spending Christmas at the Soreno have gone In Sarasota for a few days nt the Minimal' before going to the Break-ers tn Palm Beach for (he rest of the winter, Fifteen or 20 Florida State college members of the Alpha Omega Pi ha- and Mrs. -luomas, nr.

ami Mrs. Smith, Rebecca Case and William Brown occupied another table. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

Barhydt and son, and Mr. Islle G. Ryder tftra In a group together, and Mr, and Mrs. Henry Dupont and Mrs Mary Dupont made up another party. out inr pssi, St.

"Swiss Cheese" Cartoon That Is Why They Get Worth-while Results JM'tlcger, Myerly, Kratson and Window Shopping SpHiihh Tile Margaret o'clock al the Masonic Temple. This Ms ry Hoi-1 ceremony Is open to visiting mm- Bright, Rulh Merrill Jenkins, Mary Workbwt 1 1 1 Starts Tuesday Constanre Bennett In "Sin Takes a Holiday" I I Messrs. fJaiTnhsn, Ray, Wttte, fifle TO ATTKNIJ 4r Hi rrmilWft Hon, rlogenfelrter, Wagner, and Mr. Se.Tl.ls Pull I II. 0.11 These lovely old bits of pottery Universal News i.raham McNsmee Announcing and Mrs.

KiiHchner and Mr. nud lins, ResNlp Mh it in ml Mrs. Ronana tiers of the Hast ern Star and to i Httrten, Miss Frances assisted with I minds of the officera who are be -the serving, In Installed. ara escallent for putting under! i mu a-m Kin It 1 11. tm 1-1 1..,.

I Mrs, AngBlei ion. minimi JiJiiiim iniirr uiiinum flower pots, or to use as a base for 416 CENTRAL 1cm amdled to the back of male rlxl onto which gum has stuck will fre4M.lt that It nu' easily be rmovMi- fir bowl holding flowers. The colors am untitle, the riexlMS nimtnt. and.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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You can find the Tampa Bay Times' e-Newspaper at enewspaper.tampabay.com or search for "Tampa Bay Times" in the Google or Apple store to download the app.

Which city is bigger Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

While they have a lot in common, Tampa is a bigger, more diverse city with more job opportunities. Given its proximity to St. Petersburg, living in the Tampa region might be your best bet - so that you live where you work and take a quick drive to nearby beaches and art museums around St. Pete.

Is it cheaper to stay in Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

The average daily cost (per person) in Saint Petersburg is $204, while the average daily cost in Tampa is $179. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment.

How long is bridge between Tampa and St Petersburg? ›

Petersburg, Florida.

How do I get a copy of my Tampa Bay Times? ›

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What days are the Tampa Bay Times delivered? ›

  • Home Delivery: Sunday and Wednesday print editions.
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Is Tampa or St. Pete more fun? ›

December 6, 2023 - According to personal finance platform WalletHub, Tampa is a more enjoyable place to live than St. Petersburg. Tampa ranked 17th in its recently released “Most Fun Cities in America” list, while St. Pete placed 38th - just below Jacksonville and one spot higher than Birmingham.

Is it expensive to live in St. Petersburg, Florida? ›

Petersburg's housing expenses are 11% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 0% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 2% higher than the national average. St. Petersburg has grocery prices that are 1% higher than the national average.

What percentage of Tampa is white? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American84,66021.78%
Two or more races53,35813.72%
3 more rows

Why is rent so high in St. Petersburg, FL? ›

"The last couple years, St. Pete has blown up, especially during covid we saw an influx of people from up North moving down here which has really driven rent and everything else up," she said.

How much does an apartment cost in Saint Petersburg? ›

Type of apartmentPrice per month
One-room apartment17 000 – 45 000 RUB
Two-room apartment35 000 – 55 000 RUB
Three-room apartment50 000 – 100 000 RUB

Why is Saint Petersburg so cheap? ›

The city's beautiful beaches, excellent weather, and cultural attractions draw millions of visitors each year, providing a steady stream of revenue for local businesses and helping to keep the cost of living low for residents. Seasonal residents, or “snowbirds,” also contribute to the affordability of St. Petersburg.

What is the most beautiful bridge in Tampa? ›

The Skyway Bridge voted 2nd “best bridge for a scenic commute” The Skyway Bridge is one of the most recognizable structures in the Tampa Bay region.

Can you walk around St. Petersburg FL? ›

A continuous sidewalk and large pedestrian path allows for all the scenic strolling you'd ever want. You'll start with terrific views of the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina, its array of majestic boats and the city waterfront, loop south past Doc Ford's restaurant and then to the Pier.

How long is the ferry from Tampa to St Pete? ›

The regular crossing time is scheduled at approximately 50 minutes. Weather and traffic conditions can impact the transit time. All guests must be ticketed and ready for loading 20 minutes prior to departure.

Is the Tampa Bay Times a daily paper? ›

Florida's Largest Daily Newspaper | Tampa Bay Times.

Where to buy Tampa Bay Times newspaper near Brandon, FL? ›

Pick up tb-two* at these locations
  • Music Showcase, 402 Oakfield Dr., Brandon, 33511.
  • Stubbs Orthodontics, 929 Oakfield Dr., Brandon, 33511.
  • Grove 16 Cinema, 6333 Wesley Grove Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33544.
  • Patel Conservatory, 1010 N. W.C. MacInnes Place, Tampa, 33602.
  • Paragon Music, 2119 W Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33603.
Oct 3, 2013

Who carries Tampa Bay Lightning games? ›

Bally Sports set to continue broadcasting Lightning games in 2024-25. The parent company of the regional sports network reaches agreements with the NHL and NBA, bringing some clarity to the question of the team's local TV home.

What is the main newspaper in Tampa, Florida? ›

Tampa Bay Times – The Tampa Bay Times is the Bay area's only daily newspaper, covering Tampa, St. Petersburg, and surrounding communities.


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.