I THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 The CENTRE DAILY TIMES, STATE COLLEGE and BELLEFONTE, PA. PAGE FIFTEEN Boy Scouts: Lemont Cub Pack Presents Program on Circus Theme Cub Scout Pack 67 of Lemont presented a circus on Friday evening at the Lemont Elementary School, entitled "The Tingling Mother's Circus." Den 4 opened the circus with a lion tamer's act in which the lion was portrayed by David Miller and the tamer by Selden Smith. A clown act was given by Dean Ackard, Ray Knepp Brogdon. Passing out balloons among the audience was Jeffrey Snyder. Den mother is Mrs.
Donald Ackard who is assisted by Mr. Ackard and Den Chief Terry Knepp. During the week preceding the circus, this den saw a demonstration of making up a clown and learned something of clown characterizations. Den 5 displayed a "wild man" in a cage as the opening presentation. Tim Yoho was the This was followed by a bullfight with Dave Kreibel as the bull and Dunklebarger as the "clown" bullfighter.
Mike Duich did a hillbilly skit Bobby Hall was the sword swallower. Mrs. Manfred Peters is Den mother. Den 3 opened its act with a performance by tightrope walker Allan Boak, followed by a feat of strength by Matt Heichel. Clowns Jeff Simpson, Jon Hickey, Steve Novasel and Mike Gabrovsek gave a tumbling act and jokes.
Their fi, nal trick was a human pyramid and tumble through a hoop. Mrs. William Hickey is the den mother, assisted by Mrs. Dale Simpson and Den Chief, Robert Ammerman. Den 2 dressed in Indian costumes they had worked on, including spears and shields, performed a set of authentic Indian dances.
Members of the den include Keith Lykens, Kris Wernstedt, Bruce Bigatel, Charles Dills, Richard Freed and Mike Yeaton. During the month this den worked on badges, making various Indian novelties, held a picnic, made Mother's Day gifts. The Den mother is Mrs. Marvin Freed, who is assisted by her son Larry Freed. Den 1 entertained with two tumbling clowns, David Spicer and Bobby Kelley and a set of Siamese twins, who were Nicky Homan and Denny Smith.
During the month this den had worked on making paper clowns out of old Reader's Digest magazines. Den mother is Mrs. Donald Spicer, assisted by -ROOKING IS FUN CECLY BROWNSTONE A Ipod QUICK SUPPER When Mom has to get supper in jig-time, this menu may fill the bill. Beef Beans Rice Finger Salad (celery and carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, romaine) with Cheese Dip Fresh Fruit Beverage Beef and Beans 1 ine tablespoon butter or margar-: 1 small onion, chopped to 1 pound ground lean beef 2 cans (each 1 pound) barbecuestyle beans In a 10-inch skillet over moderately low heat, melt the butadd onion and cook until golden. Add beef; cook until meat loses its red color, crumbling meat with a fork.
Add beans and heat. Serve with rice in true southof-the-border style. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Mrs. Earl Smith.
After the performance, the booths audience was invited to' visit and play games cubs had worked on throughout the month, Cubmaster Arthur Moyer made these awards: Den Chief braid to Scouts ry Knepp and Robert Ammerman; wolf badges to Eddie Dunklebarger, Keith Lykens, Kris Wernstedt, Charles Dills, Richard Freed and Mike Yeaton; bear badge and wo-year service to Keith Lykens. Denner stripe to Bruce Bigetal; assistant denner stripe to Mike Yeaton; gold and silver arrows to Bruce Bigatel, Charles Dills, Richard Freed and Mike Yeaton. Mr. Moyer announced that during the summer there will be one special event each month and that on July 15 a meeting will be held for all the boys who will be Scouts next fall. Runville A meeting of Cub Scout Pack 55 of Runville opened Thursday with the pledge to the flag by Cub Master James Lynch.
The Circus Theme throughout the pasraarried The Scouts presented acrobatic stunts, feats of skill and a lion tamer's act. and friends watched bearded lady, goldfish eater, sword swallower, baton twirler and Siamese twins were presented. 7 Families Received By Lutherans Seven families were received by Letter of Transfer, into membership at the worship Lutheran Church of Boalsburg on Sunday morning. They were: Pastor and Mrs. Carl 1 E.
Bentz, 221 Belle alsfrom Advent Lutheran, Murfreesboro, Mr. and Mrs. William Cotton, Brookside, Boalsburg, from St. Paul's Lutheran Albany, N.Y. Mr.
and Mrs. Reed Heimbach, Woodsdale Park, State College, St. Michael's Lutheran and Faith Lutheran, respectively. Allentown. Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Leonard 216 Belle Boalsburg, from Prince of Peace Lutheran, Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Scrudders, Brooks id de, Boalsburg, from Grace Lutheran Church, State College, and Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Williams and daughter, Gay, 119 Oak Boalsburg, from St. Paul's Lutheran, Shavertown. A reception was held after the service to honor the new members and those of the Confirmation Class and also Mrs. Harry Bressler and daughters, Carol, Sandy, Cindy and son, Kevin, who will move to Cherry Hill, N.J., June 15.
PENN BELLE HOTEL: BELLEFONTE Maryland Fried Chicken Butter and Beverage Potatoes, Salad, Roll, $1.29. AUTO PARTS Accessories Chrome Air Cleaners WESTERN AUTO 112 S. FRASER ST. STATE COLLEGE PENN HARDWARE features these special buys on Bar-B-Bowl QUALITY GRILLS SAVE NOW, get set for outdoor fun! 24" Folding Grill Red and silver. 24" extra-deep beaded fire bowl.
Positive action grid control. 4-leg foldaway construction, noswag locking device. Self-locking 5" wheels. Model 685. Folds flat PRICE $699 for storage PENN portability.
Porta-Grill Sky blue with chrome table top grill. Chromeplated sliding grid, carrying handle, removable legs. Model 178. Tide ton for easy PENN "Wing leaning! CHIDE TOP PRICE $299 University Shopping Center Westerly Parkway penn Now Open 9:30 State a.m. Monday 'til College 9 through p.m.
Friday HARDWARE Saturday 9:30 a.m. 'til 6 p.m. Houserville Personals MRS. FRANKLIN HOUTS 238-0370 Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Coble of Klinger Heights and Mr. and ville Harrisburg Mrs. Coble of HouserDonald, business last Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Schirm and daughter, Donna, Alexandria were Sunday 'even in callers at the home of son and daughter-in-law, and their, Mrs. James Schirm, and daughPam, of Spring St.
Miss Coralee Neimuth, Burton Niemuth and Fred Yearick of Chicago, visited for three days recently with Mr. Yearlick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yearick, and Earl Jr. of Rock Rd.
The Yearick's son accompanied them back to Chicago for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Witmer of Circle Ville Rd. were recent Friday evening callers at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Watson and children, Houserville Rd. Other recent callers were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weaver and children, Shonny, Gregory, Stephanie, and Jeff, of Spring The Watsons were also Sunday afternoon callers of parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Kerstetter of Bellefonte RD 2. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman son, of Harvey, Gatesburg were recent Saturday supper guests of their son-inlaw and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Gar brick, Chip and Shawnee Sue of Spring St. Evening callers were Mrs. Garbrick's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Baney, and daughter, Penny Lynn, of Dix Run. Perry Stupy of Pittsburgh was a Monday evening caller of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cummings of Houserville Rd. Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Quick of Big Hollow Rd. spent a recent weekend as the guests of their 3-DAYS ONLY FRI. SAT. WHEN YOU SHOP AT JOE'S TODAY SUN UMBRELLAS WADING POOL 1.88 Printed with gaily decorated floral design.
This handsome umbrella is water repellent and Made of tough linear polyethylene. No seams UMBRELLA ism mildew aluminum resistant. Til: top mechan- to no leak. valve Nothing problems. to Will assemble.
not rust No blow rot. up All and at on pole. or Sturdy, windproof um- this unbelievably low price. any desired position. BIG 6-FT.
chaise brella. or Will chair. clamp Swivels on any to $16:99 $9.99 Umbrella or Table and Bench STEEL WALL Outfit Can be Bought Separately POOL HEAVY DUTY PADS REDWOOD PICNIC Soft polyfoam filled, weatherproof, mildew proof, handsomely flowered. UMBRELLA TABLE with 2 benches For 1.55 The ideal picnic set for CHAIRS your back yard. Large pse 45" square table to with or without an umFor CHAISE LOUNGES brella and two 0.881 benches.
All made of 'air seasoned California Red wood. Joe's Price SAVE JOE'S AT $19.99 Web Aluminum CHAIR An your Leather outstanding youngster laced off value flex-action to in a the glove big pocket. to league. start Full top rigid. Heavy rail duty keeps vinyl this liner.
pool Steel round tubing and FOLDING LITTLE FIELDERS LEAGUE GLOVE SIZE walls Rugged diameter have and by 15 baked sturdy inches pool enamel deep. 6-foot finish. Side- in $497 leather lining and deluxe rolled web- HAND 99 bing. $2.99 CORNED FAMILY Special MacGREGOR "BILL LAWN SWING Heavy folding alumin- FIELDERS GLOVE sun Smartly covered Holds with 4 a A terrific glove value. Big pro-style canopy.
um frame deluxe adults. Sturdy steel fast action has spiral top lac- conweb for arms plastic web- struction, wood arm rest. ing. Flex- construction with extra Colored bing. palm and tumb laces.
Roll leather striping on legs. and deluxe A splendid addition to Aluminum Folding Made binding by finger tip lacing. any back yard. MacGregor. Full Web size chaise Chaise with 5-po- $5.99 sition adjustable back.
Sturdily woven EARLY! BUY $29:88 webbing, polished aluminum tubing. JR. UMBRELLA DELUXE CANVAS Folds. TENT compactly. This tent will make back- CAMPING PACKS CROQUET SET AIR MATTRESS roomy play fun Large Size yard Made of 4 camping more DESERT TAN then SHEET- ever.
Canvas knap- Prices Start at $3.99 ING, this tent will last many seasons of backyard camping. Complete with added packet One of the most popular with ropes, poles stakes. on the flap. lawn games in the world. and Packed in reusable display box.
Wood Center Heavyweight J0E has 4 ball and 6 ball Pole- -Wire Eave Frame. Wood Awning All ring for sets. sets are com-. Poles. tie on items.
piete, ready to play. Perfect for the beach or sun bathing. You will see many $577 50.99 $2.99 tions. those Complete week Prepare with end now instruc- games for extra water camping hundreds float, and of as these scouting lawn mattress." air trips, mattress, mattresses this summer. 998 Use 35 with your family.
sleeping BIG SAVINGS ON AUTO ACCESSORIES AT JOE'S DAY AND NIGHT MIRRORS WITH ALL HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT HEADLIGHT GLARE CONTROL VISIONADE VISORS 8-QUART CAN MOTOR OIL 30" Long Handle Hair Bristle STOPS FLEXIBLE entire adhesives of windshield CLEANS LUBRICATES AS IT BRUSH 1.226 Sticks not to glass warp, crack, without rattle or come loose CATANS AS IT Keep your engine operWill Premium ating at top efficiency The ideal brush for Non-glare Glass Set in Enamel Steel Case 77 VIGILANT 2-GAL. SEALED CAN dows, summer furniture, ete. and save. washing cars. winSize 3" x1312" Attaches to present Mirror with NEAYY DETERGENT .66 spring clips GOLDEN OIL Instant Hook-Up ONES ENGINE AND IGNITION Trailer Tow ADJUSTABLE Get peak performance from the ignition sysTUNE-UP KIT MIRROR TERRY SEAT COVERS HEAD REST tem in your car.
Install a kit today. EASY ON! EASY OFF! EASY TO CLEAN- -WASH LIKE A TOWEL Gives full protecCHEV. 1957-63 (8) $1.67 Comfortable and custom fitting. tion. Reduces Solid or split back.
Easy to whiplash danger. FORD 1957-67 (8) $1.27 install. Finest quality! 0.88 vinyl foam cover. cushion As- in sorted colors. AdCHARCOAL ICE ZER-O-ICE easy Simple to install and justable forward, up, back.
down, LIGHTER FLUID BARB LID and take off) REG. $3.99 REFRIGERANT Safe Economical CHARCOAL REFRIGERANT in seconds. FRONT and Fast light. starting. Just squirt LIGHTER PORTABLE COLD Eliminates the melting Pt.
For tion must pickups. cars, wagons for sta- all A ONLY SEAT $2:88 ice in your Refrigerator. trailer COMPRESSED Pint Can be re-used. ers. THE MOTORISTS FRIEND BUY MORE Lemont Youth To Aid Pastor Graduating seniors of the Spring Creek Presbyterian Church of Lemont will participate in a service at the church on Sunday at 11 a.m., Rev.
Daniel B. Eveland, pastor, announced today. Among those assisting will be: Mike Ishler, the call to worship, introit, invocation and Lord's Prayer; Bill Bathgate, the responsive reading, Gloria Patri and Apostle's Creed: Karen Green, reading of Scripture; Virginia Kern, the silent prayer and morning prayer; Charlene Weaver, offering prayer and announcements. At the memorial service at the church on Sunday, the sacrament of infant baptism was administered to Jeffrey Daniel Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Daniel Howard. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Quick, and children of Newfane, N.Y. Karthaus Personals MRS.
RICHARD ROUGEUX-Frenchville 263-4631 Robert Valimont and Mrs. her son-in-law and daugh. Thelma Nashwinter, ter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jury of town were guests of State College.
heboyler: ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Denny Valimont, last Sunday night.
Slegal and daughter, Joel of They attended the funeral of Chambersburg visited her parMrs. Valimont's sister, Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. William ReMabel Pearce of Kylertown, on naud of town on Saturday.
Monday. Linda Shaw and Ellaine Herrold led the group in several patriotic Refreshments were serveings. Present were: Cub Scouts Philip Shaw, Richard Gunsallus, Jeffrey Confer, Greg Herrold, Ronnie Millward, Joe Bennett, John Karlesses, Danny Emel, Gary McKinley, Tom Dubbs, James and Kevin Geissinger. Den mothers Kathryn Hac- kenberg, Sandra Gunsallus and Janet Lynch; assistant de mothers Thelma Woo me Doris Karlesses, Christine Bennett; den chiefs Kenny Davidson and Stanley Herrold. Visitors from the Milesburg Cub Scouts were Donald and Raymond Miller.
JOE Mrs. Tom Moore of McVeytown spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clark of town. Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Valimont of town are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Lidgett of Niagara Falls, for a week. Mrs.
Clifford Wooster of Karthaus and Miss Delores Trimpey of Glen entertained Monday night at a demonstration party at the home of Wayne Rolley, Mrs. Wooster's brother, at Karthaus. Mrs. Julia Peavy of Karthaus, spent se ver al days last week SPEND WIDE MOUTH PORTABLE FRIEND PICNIC CHARCOAL A JUG a or Ideal for Fully insulated. food.
0.44 Reg. $3.99 $2:88 We Buy and Sell ANTIQUES We Buy Estates Which Have Mostly Antiques CALL US FIRST LESTER ZETTLE Spring Mills 422-8269 EUTAW HOUSE Potters Mills Fresh Florida Red Snapper Maitre d'Hotel Sauce GRILL UNIVERSITY SHOPPING CENTER For picnics, beach or Westerly Parkway, State patio. Large enough to College cook for several people. Open Sat. Folds for easy storage,.