The Cleveland Leader from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Cleveland Leaderi

Cleveland, Ohio

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SUNDAY SERVICES BAPTIST TKAKA MEMORIAL BAPTIST nr1" Prospect nnd Kennard ata It 1 ondkton pastor Preaching in the morning at 10:46 Evening at 7:30 prayer meeting riday evenings Surnhy echool at 2:15 AU are welcome "ROST AND IRE pmnibers and Coal Dealers Reap a Harvest Costs to Thaw Ont a rozen Water Large Con sumption of Coal "hr liaS bpen tbe buttall the smart newspaper paragraphcrsj uOft he is looked upon by unthinking as little better thana burglar The citizen who arises ot a cold morning Hint Jack rost has suddenly cut Uj1jK water supply has reason however to js stars that the plumber is one of institutions of nineteenth century civil tion para nlwrs to remark that the plumber is reap iiis harvest for such is the case Next miner when frozen water pipes are unheard '(tinie will hang heavily on his hands how tersnd for nine months at least he will Mf)y exist Never before has the cold played Bch havoc with the water supply The round is frozen to a depth in sonic places of ite feel fear inches The big mains which TC the water from the reservoirs throughstreets are nearly all six feet below the thee and of course escape the effects ofhe frost but as the house connections arejt in from two and one half to five feettlw die surface many of them are frozen To thaw out a water pipe requires coXSnltABM2 AND EXPENSE conics out ot the consumer the Water ks Department having control of onlyhe uains The lumbers are all licensed by Waterworks trustees and when one re aves an application to start the water in a He he makes application to tiie clerk of te Board of Improvements for a per it to open the street If the pro ved opening be outside the curb line he ant pay $150 for the permit which sum is toiy for repairing the pavement in the Slim ier To remove the frost from the ground rer 'he frozen pipe a coal fire is built This ki ut burning from twenty four to forty Aht hours sometimes before the object is tfiomplished and from a quarter ot a ton to tlon of coal is consumed When the frost jre inived the work is not done however irtlie reason that an excavation must be and considerable time expended in re wing the frost from the pipes About ny permits were issued Thursday to open reels and up to 3 yesterday twenty ve had been given out A plumber stated cslerdiiy that the expense to the lot owner milking these excavations including the Ml tor the fire would range all the way fromHi to $lb you find the frozen pipes in any par ar section of the was asked The complaints come from all see ms where the pipes are not low enougherc is ND HOLE ABOUT THE DEPTH which service pipes must be laid Some only two and a half feet below the stir ice while others are five and a half feet Ul pipes put in recently however are laid jut lower than The severe winter has given a plentiful arrest to the coal dealers as well as the lumbers Au unprecedented amount otil has ben burned The janitor of the itv Hall stated yesterday that nearly twice i much coal would be used in the' bulld og this winter as last and he wouldt be surprised if the total reachedJ tons Soft coal is used there and that inuiuut is not very large in view of the state made by a gentleman occupying a large 'ci sterday that he had used fifty ms of hard coal and was in need ot more torrv Inin through the winter Judging conversations with dealers it does not ii hkelv that Cleveland being so near the coal fields will suffer from a coalimine although some cities further west are been placed in bad shape on account of nmi blockaded railroads Some dealers bom UU ihat they cannot get enough Massillon to supply their customers and are com pled to sell cheaper grades but is at luned to the strike of the miners in the ii'Uirawas Valley just ended It is thoughtj however that no more difficulty will be ri: ent need and that plenty of good coal ir be furnished without any increase inwe A LIVELY USILADE IsItHHpIug Prisoner Causes Heavy iring On sniera Street lit 11 Tiie quiet peace loving denizens of Seneca acet hill were aroused from their umbers early yesterday morning by fcsilade of firearms which caused cat speculation ns to whether the slice Hille Team had broken loose hey were not altogether wrong as waswi in Police Court a few hours later at trial of William Manlier alias John Gib a red headed young mau who registered 2283 Axtell street and who was charged nth suspicion Officer Hanks related that mrt after 2 in the morning he met deft mla nt in Seneca street (ind on ques ruing him learned that he was til boy at the Striebenger House cd was returning from the of at the Armory fits hat was torn meces and he bore other evidence of hard 'age which he explained by saying he had diMness encounter with An hour wr while Hanks was going up Ontarioreei he heard a whistle call for help and stcuing towards Eagle street met a man i'lu said he had been attacked by a couple toughs who attempted to rob him No i'w coud be found in the locality aud Hanks taed down Ontario to the Continental sa on into which he took a look The de dant was there talking with a woman but 'seeing Hanks ho ran out of the rear door "Je lus fema companion attempted to event the officer from following She was successful however and a few the defendant was arrested and the Jlr started for the Central While down Michigan street Marther sipped from the grasp of his captor andMed towards Seneca street hill ut a rapid W' Hanks called a halt and then fired a of shots from his revol wl ich had no effect on the escaping owner Officer rank Eustace came upon scene at this time and he opened tire ba 1 was finallv lodged in the young fcl right arm below the elbow and he sur cred Judge Hutchins fined him $15(1 'lie costs and sentenced him to in the Workhouse Colonel Lipps says Eustace did not fire the shot which took wt as he is a member of the rifle team ini one is allowed to remain in thatMiiztition who ever hits anything he shoots T1IK DEATH LIST The following deaths were reported yester 4 at the health Hodislav Trogosky No 205 Marble streetail days inanition Mocha No 71 Trumbull street JMy seven years consumption IIeihrNo 25 ourth street thirty puerperal fever 'ilnaui Brooks Insane Asylum thirty six i'1' genera paralysis I'vicas Warren No 942 Doan street years heart disease A Wi odrich No 63 Hackmanwenty foiir years typhoid fever srles Newcom No 030 Clark avenue i'cat'5' pneumonia Stedman No 158 Like street cigiit years heart disease Damaged by ire inmates of Lib questionable re on Champlain street were awakened J'eslerday morning to find the housekh smoke The fire was located in a and although it had gained con headway was extinguished by thea'ea ff'Hrout the aid of the firemen The had evidently started in the lace car aa'l he contents of the room were dam extent of over $100 A half ne on table in tbe tat it had been occupied a short time 'B1 the visitor bad mysteriously dis aar waa learned afterward that tl i co'ptul youth who is employed place bad attended a dance returned at 5 yesterday He was intoxicated aad began THE eLEVELAJO) LEADER SATUBDAY ETTIUABY 21 1885 WANTED 8ITU Al IONS EMALE AMUSEMENTS OR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS MISCELLANEOUS HOUSES AND LOTS CONGREGATIONAL the TRADES DISCIPLE METHODIST LICENSED TO SIARKY OR SALTS REAL ESTATE PRESBYTERIAN DIED OR SALK MISCELLANEOUS New THIS AMERICAN 2t MISCELLANEOUS LOST 31ISCELANEOUS TRADES MONEY XU LOAN HOARDING TOR RENT bTORES OUND SOCIETY NOTICE wax the SunpeSelected 1TO11 ROOMS Suitable for ollicee on 2 first end third floors of Centennial block 39 Euclid ave olerator steam hentnr etc Apply at room 14 oO operations by appropriating a bottle of wine Lee discovered soon afterward that the room im burning and hastily departed An effort was made to arrest him for arson but the police after a cross examination became convinced that he did not fire the place in tentionally if at all and he was charged simply with intoxication Later the charge of petit larceny was also entered against him for the theft of the wine WANTJ) BOOMS Where Tuwry Wunted Suporiuteudaut Schmitt has notified chief of police of Ehuira where Charles Lowry was arrested Wednesday that the notorious crook is wanted nt Mercer Pa as well ns nt bhclby 0 While imprisoned al Mercer he broke from jail mid the authori ties have offered a reward of $20U for his capture The police of this city have an old case against him but as it would be almost impossible to secure his conviction no effort will be made to bring him to Cleveland Licenses for the following marriages were issued by the Probate Court Christ Eck and Caroline Herbst Jerry Galvin and Mary Howard An Infernal Machine Discovered Sturgis Mien ebruary Consider able excitement here to day was caused by the finding of an infernal machine iu the basement of building It was suspended by wires and a fuse had been lighted but went out The building is vacant except the second floor which is occupied by Mr The Masons had just vacated the third floor aud the store room on the first floor is temporarily empty for re pairs Hotel People who need a clear hot fire Lr broiling mak ing toast etc we recommend "crushed 78 Viaduct The following new cases of contagious dis eases were reported at the health office yes terday: No 2039 two cases Mecch street No 58 Quincy street No 81 Garden street two cases One in three says the late Dr Clendening show symptoms of heart disease Why not ase Db Heart Regulator? It has cured thousands why not vou? $1 per bottle ree pamphlet of Ingslls Cam bridge Masi An Accident on tho Wabash Keokuk Ia ebruary 20 There was an accident on the Wabash at Ashton Mo last night The sleeper and a coach left the track tailing over bridge James Mc lauighlin of Centerville Iav was fatally injured Several others Were injured nut seriously Coenon ilemry Clay White Esq lUacheger Arditi 2Buok I pOR Of 7 rooms and a barn 38 1' Wilcutt are near Woodland cars and Corners alao 232 Kennard at between Cedar and Garden 10 rooms furnace etc 8 ItoGA real estate broker 222 Superior st uear McGillln's store THOR On Lisbon st near JL? Woodland ave and the orkhon $0 and jO: good well cistern and out houses STANARD 225 Superior st Telephone 438 fil Q15 And no questions asked for the return of the white and brown Irish and Bul lish setter with dark brown ears to Sigler Bros Jk Co Wilshire Block Lost 10 iys ago ClKVKLXI CollMlIVS ClXCIXSATI A IvnDNxroiis Riilwxv Cleveland ebruary 11 ISSo The annual nieetins of the stock holders of this company fur the election of directors and the transaction of other business wilt be held at Hie office of the company in Cleveland! 0 on Wednesday March 4 next at o'clock 'I be transfer books will bo closed from the even ing of ebruary 18 until Marell 5 GO GEO II RUSSELL Secretory 1 1 1A YAH IpOR Nearly new on two I mllroads aero of buildings cost tXMMi take 123000 part resl estate: large engines boilers rhsfting etc will put capital iu tome good manu factory 52 A McCONNELL 203 Superior st 175OR Convenient fora small family desirable location corner ranklin ave ami Taylor at Inquire ut A Teacliout Co 42 Michigan st 52 ipOR HALE CHOICE L0T8 A Some of lUochuioost luU iu tho Ranuey 3t llcrnek allotment between Superior Willsum St (ur and Asylum sts are offered for the next th'rty days nt i cry low prices will sell any eizo lot oeslred on terms to suit purchasers ponies desir ing to hmld can swnro a lot on the moat faiorablo payments or full information VAN TINE 144 Superior st Telephone 51 17I0R Immediate nossersion 12 frame bouse corner Euclid and Dodge all conveniences Inquire No 13 Blackstone Building 59 I desire to lease a bouse from May 1 of about 10 rooms must con tain all modern conveniences location within reasonable distance of Willson Aveuue High School rent not to exceed f'BO pi' annum Address box 29 Render office giving full description of property where located and owner's name 50 WANTED GIRLS or the best housework places in the city bring reference AND DOMESTICS' BUREAU 345 Superior st room 1 aud 2 Telephone 350 9 WANTED MALkIuCLP 1A0R RENT HAL A In good loca 12 tion with trade established to pasty who thoroughly understnads the stamping and em broidery business subscriber will take halt inter est if necessary Address box 20 Leader office 70 AH contractors ot mason work cut Xl stone and plastering are invited to attend meeting of the Mason Contractors Union Monday 2i at the Builder Exchange Rooms City Hall DAXTEL Secretary 49 ANCIENT ORDER The members of Court Standard No 5784 A are hull led le at the court room 65 bouvill ave on Sunday 22 at 12:35 sharp to at tend the funeral of our late brother Jihu Becker Mcmbcisof sutcr courts are cordially invited to attend Ry cider of 49 fell ERWIN Secretary 'J IpOR New Eastlake house on I'ltth ave all modern improvements 36000 ODELL 219 Superior st Telephone 309 49 GENERAL notes The Lyceum of the ScovlII Avenue Church will celebrate Washington's birthday on Monday evening next at the church cor ner of Longwood and Seovill avenues on which occasion the following attractive musical aud literary programme will be ren Organ Overture A Mr Coliwn Jr Oyjirtet Messrs i Isham Jnstcr Lang "epnnff Mrs Haywood Haynes i'amotism Marinftra Messrs Isham au'i Duckett kNMU aUUfeUcllU Hnlll Mrs ord Arions Organ i a Communion in Jules Orison Ibluncrul March of a Marionette Gounod Mr 1J Colson Jr 1 rum Luria Donizetti Mrs ord Mrs Haynes and Arions I rnnist Colson Jr There will be a "May matinee at the Opera House to day It will be largely attended if the mat inee can be taken as as indication The last performance will be given to night Carrie Swain ia Little will give a matinee at the Academy this after noon It is now positively known that Charles yndham will come to America next season with his company He bus already mode anangements to play at the ifth Avenue Theater for four weeks in October and from here he will go to and Boston This engagement was arranged by cable a fortnight ago and Mr agent Mr Moore arrived here on Sunday for the purpose of completing the tour Mr Wynd repertoire this season will include now running with great success at the Criterion and also that version of "Tete de Mr stay in America will continue from the 1st of October until July mid will embrace the entire country from New York to Sau rancisco New York Tines The changeable weather is very trying to the actors in this city says the New York Herald Oue half of their number seem to be suffering from hoarseness With those whose parts call for songs it is not only try ing to the actors but to the audiences as well John Parselle the veteran lending old man of the Union Square Theater New York is dead He appeared os Louis XIV on Mon day night and on Tuesday afternoon after sitling fur a picture in his stage costume was stricken with paralysis and died in a few hours without recovering consciousness He was an admirable actor and stage manager aud adapted several plays from the rench Spanish and Italian He was born in Glas gow sixty four years ago and was educated for the bar When he first ob tained a London theatrical engagement his father caused his discharge from ihe theater in tne hope of discouraging him He after ward came to this country with Mr Charles Wyndham mid for fourteen years has played with great distinction in all the suc cessful plays which the Union Square Thea ter has presented from to of Tall and robust ia figure distinguished in bearing and with close cut curling white hair Mr Parselle looked a clergyman rather than an actor He was married thirty five years ago and his domestic life was exemplary and happy He had two absorbing interests iu his theater and his family Three weeks ago the Union Square Company lust as suddenly another valued member Mr Morse the prompter and utility man of the company died alone in a cab while driving from the theater to liis home Mr Lawrence Barrett begins a four engagement at the Boston Theater Boston Maas next Monday evening with a magnifi cent production of da During his engagement there Mr Henry Irv ing will be acting at the Globe Theater and Mr Edwin Booth at tiie Boston Museum Mr Irving during the first week and Mr Booth during his last week in that city de diedin Brooklyn One of his friends writes: Dear Editor: Would you be as kind to put this little Arti cle under your Musical and Drantic list as I would be ever so thankful to vou as he has engaged many Ballad Girls of New York and as none noes of his death you would greatly oblige his manager and also the girls which he engaged that they No of the Oc cruuance Herald The Barnum and London shows will open in Madison Square Garden New York on March 16 Mr Buucicault has sold his house in Lou don and will "settle down for life 111 York On the St Clair Street Railroad pocket book morkrd with ou nmne: party roturninf same suitably rewarded Lake Erie Iron Co 5U I Scarf pin on Prospect or Euclid abovs Kcuuard st Thuraday eb'y 12 a solitaire diauiou scurf piu findr will be rewarded by re Cowell A Hubbard 43 1J5OR line largo front room nnd a small room suitable for small fnuiily at 102 Bond st Good capable girls for all branches of bvneswork for some of the best families in the city none but reliable help apply old reliable employment barren MISS HALL new number 334 Bnest near Euclid nv 60 rNEDAR AVEDISCTPLH ClIURCH On XJ uhr ave between Hayward st and Uano ave Harns Cuoluy pastor Regular services at 10:45 a tn and 7:30 in Evening subject Prayer mcviinc on riday evening bunday school a in eats froei all are welcome LpOR RENT Barn and 7 acres of land 4 with several kinds of fruit inside the city limits aud fronting on a street cur line ahu houses and lots for sale and farms to exchange for Cleve land property AL HOGAN reed estate broker 222 Superior st near McUilliifa store 51 TI10R 71m trick store building formerly A occupied by I orrer at HuUon is now offered for sale by order of mrt it is 100 feet long by 28 feet wide 3 stories high with opera nouseon3i floor a healthy locality and good schools Address Hiue and 8 Cartwright Assignees Hudson US 1 ESS onn earn a living for himseif and family: can fur nish reference Addroas box He lawder oflice 49 As stenographer a competent stenographer andealigraph oper ator deeires a position has had two years practical cxiwieueo best of reforenoes Address box 8 Leader olliou 48 Or interest in oil business a man of years experience per fectly oompetcut tomanage anoiticc keep books correspond poesd of iiieo trade on road and practical in tho business Addrossbox 7 Leader office 4S By pod reliable rid to do general housework or cooking Call at 102 Woodland ave 43 TpiRSTU CHVRCH Erio sL near Pros 12 pert Rev no At rench pastor Somies at 10: lu and In the evuuing Miss Bella Strang will give uu account of muslou work in Egy pt XrunTIL PRESBYTERIAN On Aaron between Superior and St Clair Rev William Gnaton pastur Preaching at 1UU a and 7:00 Sunday achovl at 2:30 Strangers welcome IjViR Grocery and meat market good location mid trade inventory about SLOUO good lease and luW rout Inquire nt 158 Superior st ronin 3 rear 40 In every city aud town to sell Lo wo 11 'h stool engraving Washing ton Liuculn and Garfield and tho Wellington Monument send for terms oil cular ami fin simile copy John A Lowell A Co 70 Kilby at Bustun Mass 49 TTiQB 8ALE A HOME ON MONTHLY PAY AJ ments Now house of 7 rooms Nu 1165 Lin coln ave between Codur avenue and Garden street cars: nice cellar buttery and closet: firns lot 175 feet deop very moderate terms Apply rermr st or address box 112 postollioe 50 KOLLER SKATING BATHING BOATING refreshments music dancing bowling alleys rifle range etc eta Partner wanted with jjoOOO tu build and equip Large pavilion in connection with Ibo bathing and boating retort fronting IJike iew Park for the above attrHotiuns making a oombioatipn that would dofyopiMxntiou and be the central Mint of pleasure in the city as my ieasa covers the entire front of said park and baa 17 years to run rent free This is an opportunity seldom offered for pleasant cash business and im mense profits or 1 will pay 2)er cent fur use of money or backlog mid thoroughly secure against loss if active partnership is not wanted ur further particular address William I) Tucker Harlem Beach Bathing Grounds New York City AV A single American lady ot middle age with ordinary intelligence aud good eommoa sense tenet as forelady in a cracker factory Address box 17 Leader office stating experience etc 4'j TV" And young men in city TV or oonntry wishing to earn 2 to D5 a dry quietly at their own lomcs no canvassing work furnished and sent by mail any distance or par ticulars address withstamp Crjstallised Photo Co 53 West Seventh st Cincinnati 60 PJvRSONAU Superintendent Haymond of the As sociated Charities is seriously ill from the effect of a severe cold Pho II Progressive Euchre Club were entertained a few evenings ago at the resi dence of Mr and Airs Parsons No 1210 Slater avenue The winners of the evening were Mrs George Somers aud Mr Cleveland Marvin Pittsburg A Ilickoff Yonkers Main Silver Greek 11 Burrell Canan daigua Hawlby House Swain Chicago Tipton Dayton AYolcott Grand Rapids Taylor New York AV Smith New York Cameron Rochester Amkiiicax McGrath New York Pratt Cincinnati A Nobles Detroit II A Heers Peninsula Dyer Chicago A Wasser Greenville Pa Stkiebinger AYillinm A Hunt ly New York Nugent Toledo Marion Elyria AVillimu Bowers Shreve Brubaker Troy A' rank Myers Ashand orest City Joe GoodmanPhiladelphia Hires Philadelphia AV Curtis New Edelman New York Abraham Hartford Louis AValker Meadville AVeddbji A Stevens Toledo AV Peters Norwalk II Davis and wife New York JI AVorthington Elyria A Hawley Le Roy Malory New Haven rom Rev Dr Tattle President ot Wabash College There are three purchases if asked I would advise every American family to make: Au English Bible a good newspaper aud the American Cyclopedia Of course I refer to the moral and mental wants of the family and do not mean to assert the pecuniary abil ity of all that is a mutter for each one to determine for himself This new work is now at my right hand It the old work was great this in many respects is greater Tiie richest scholarship and more than half a million of capital have been lavished on it There is hardly a prominent name' in ancient or modern history that is not found here The farmer finds his business described with the various stocks of cattle sheep hogs and horses the chemist tiie architect the paiut er the iron worker the geologist finds each what he wants on tho in plau The book is peculiarly rich in biography and history It is a perfect treasury of knowledge on all subjects which interest peo ple It is certain that many farmers mer chants and mechanics who do not now have this work would be in possession of nn in valuable help by the purchase ut it There are hundreds of young men and old ones too who would find in these volumes the greatest entertainment of the very best sort Could this great work be in now without it it would add vastly to the strength and intelligence of our people ROM PRESIDENT CUMMINGS WES LEYAN I regard the American Cyclopaidia as a wonderful work It is recommended and en dorsed by many of the ablest and most con scientious scholar' of the country It is worthy of the attention of all who desire a reliable carefully prepared aud well ar ranged epitome of knowledge ROM RRV JAMES STRONG EDITOR OP THE OR BIBLICAL LIT The fiist edition of the American Cyclope dia was a very convenient work and more complete for American reader than any other but this greatly surpasses it The ar tide have all been re written and then ub jcctcd to tho most rigorous criticism the ef fect of which is shown in their clearness comprehension aud condensation ut state ment The vocabulary particularly rich in American biography popular science and all those subjects that are most interesting to the mas ot reader The style is simple transparent aud chaste and the information is all of the most practical character AA'e fully concur in Rev Dr Strong's com mendation of American Cyclope dia Edward Bright editor of the New York Examiner Daniel Curry editor of the New Christian Advocate I Prime editor of the New York Okserier Henry ield editor of tho New York Evauyeliel ROM EKV rR POTTER PRESIDENT UNION COLLEGE Cyclopedia is certainly a work of very rare merit even among its own clses It i without a peer for the waut of the American scholar It is the boon of the poor scholar who with it aloue has an extensive and reliable library I cordially concur In the above Houatio Potteb Bishop ot New York Snwdnrt Used Medlcnllyt This is one of the latest ideas in mcdiciao But whateveryou do with your sawdust tske it internally Bathe your head with it scratch your track with It or make a sticking plaster of it only swallow it The great medicine for debility weakness dys pepsia rheumatism and liver troubles is Iron Bitter Mr John Jenkins of 138 Jefferson street Baltimore say: "Ma laria left me very weak Iron Bit ten gave me health and IORRENT ACTOUY On rankfort st12 either with or without power luqairoofJ A Vineent Go3 Prospect st 69 T70UND Gold locket owner can have it by X' proving property Apply to John isher the Sturtevant Lumber Co or 8 Alinnesuta st 49 WANTED TO Bl Iron and brass foundry met be cheap for rorh or will rent building suitable for foundry Address 8 errell room LMJ 'upwivrst Ju ASslliK th 8 Drug store plated show cisus scaled pnwripliun cn counters sliolvirig sudo fountain large stock drugs sold in lute cheap 411 Ontario st 49 Riis engine in imrfoct order suit A nblo for coffee mill printing presses elevator or oilier similar purposes cheap Address box 32 Leader office 51 1 pOR SALE DKXTAL 01 lCE Clu ap in 1 Cleveland good business splendid location low rent good reason for selling Address box 31 Is'iidcr office jq Address St Louis Kleo trio lauup Co St Louis Mo for ciroulare cuts and terms of 56 candle jiower Mulsh Electric Lamp A 8 88 CJl ECI AL 6th ward house and kJ lot will pay 10 percent net to buyer large house ami large lot: price 2750: cost over 4000 50 II HILLS 158 Superior st To do second work or general housework iu a small private family good referouos Apply at 33 Kelly st 48 Good second hand walnut cylinder drek and ehair also letterpress stand Add rem box 20 Leader office 48 ipOR Very cheap billiard linll and cigar store the beat paying place in the city good reasons lor selling 336 Erie st corner Woodlandgo OR OR EXCHANGE A first class farm oL 32 acres Address uhu Jacob Dornin unto jo ROUND THE BAY NAPLES Burst ot Blngnlllceiice and Beauty Pre seated nt Mr Stoddard's Closing Lecture Last Evening Last evening Mr John Stoddnrd deliv ered tho closing lecture of his series at Caso Hall The audience was trapsported to the lovely Bay of Naples and the evening was spent in wandering about its historical and beautiful environments As in the previous lectures the charm lay mainly in tho charm ing scenes presented the cultured and elo quent description of tho speaker serving to enhance and enrich them Striking tradi tions historical incidents and the humorous experiences of the lecturer added to the entertainment Ramble through Sicily with its old and romantic ruins were nnide The ill fated Isle of I ebin where 70000 lives have been lost by earthquake was visited and its ruins nnd history exhib ited The Laxzaroni "who work when they are tired of and other characteristic Neapolitans were lightly drawn Mt Vesu vius was explored and the mnguifieeut rultts of Pompeii revisited Many historical spots aud scenes of wondrous beauty and grandeur were vividly picturefl Attogctner it one of the" most pleasing lectures ot course IpGR OH ino country JL pin of 22uctos 40 minutos rifle from Sara tufa NI I hi plaoo is long ostabliHhed and is i uituUe for country seat select school or summer boarders value 86601) will sell al special bargain or exchuzigo for Cleveland property or parties Kirs Bild views of the place call on mil J' ODELL 210 Superior Tclepboue3TO janlO tf VACANT On or near Boo till or oodlaad are Afldroas box 30 leader office atatimr site and pnoa 60 or Woodland roller rink 6 able bodied young men from 18 to 21 yean of an must of good add rear and come wall recommended Apply Monday morning at Woodland Rink corner Woodland and Willson arcs 11 Blakeney manager 50 mj4CklimneouS lARMts and HOMES OR SALE and ex 11 change at the National Real Estate Agency ot Taylor Woodford Jt Co Wick Block Cleveland liL poll HALE A HOMESTEAD Of 160 treros X' ol line grazing land 10 miles front Denver Opera Houso has a house on it price 6400 or further particular! apply to A Jeplicott 191 loth st Deuver Col 52 p3OR 13 acres cltuieo land on A Brreksvtlle Hoad 30 minutes' drive from I'ubliu Square: ol buildings fruit ote no broken land suitable for giiburbtui residence fur doning or fur dividing up into buildiuR lota or terms apply to Paul oiil engineers and surveyors 13 Public mare 50 BONDS OR IRE PURPOSES The ire Commis doners Request the Coun cil to obtain Authority to Issue Them There was a quiet meeting ot the ire Board last evening Commissioners Wei denkopf Shannon King and Johnston were present Mr Shannon introduced a resolu tion whjeh was adopted requesting the Council to secure an amendment to the bill authorizing Cleveland to issue bonds now the Legislature so as to in clude $50000 bonds for fire department pur poses In support of the resolution Mr tihanuon said the business men on tiie lats and people living in East Cleveland had been clamoring fur more protection from fire and it was evident that it would be necessary to obtain money from some source other Jhffd taxation within the next veur to meet this demand hile it might not become necessary to issue the bonds for several months it would certainly do no harm to ob tain the authority to issue them in case they should be required Ho said lie hoped the business nteu would urge upon the Council the necessity of th is legislation The board decided to appoint four ex tra men for duty at engine houses Nos 1 and I the increase being made necessary by the purchase of the large engines Daniel was appointed by Mr Johnston V' "enford by Mr King Hugh Hussey ov Mr Shannon and Nicholas Marxen by Mr Weideukopf innucan aud Benford will go to engine bouse No 1 aud the others to No 2 On motion of Mr Shannon the secretary was instructed io include in his annual re port when it is printed all laws relating to Inc ire Board as well as all the standing contracts with telephone aud telegraph com panies the fire limits etc ihe board of trustees of the re lief fund will meet next Tuesday evening to consider the amount of money in the fund and the sources of revenue Hereafter the superintendent of will cause all fire alarm boxes to be inspected once a month Ihomas Butler of No 68 Moulton street and George Dennett corner of Kinsman and Beckwith streets were placed on the active sub list JJMIANKL1N AVE DISCIPLE CHURCH Darsie pastor Services at 19:45 a and 7:30 in uneral of Patrolman Donnelly Tho funeral of Officer James Donnelly whose death occurred Wednesday will take place at 9:30 this morning from his late residence No 82 Sonora street Services will be held at the Cathedral at 10 The remains will be escorted to the cemetery by a detail of forty members of the force in charge of Deputy Superintendent McMahon JENNINGS AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL Clll Corner Howard and Jennins! ave Preaching at 10:45 a and 7:30 A Kerosene ire The alarm from box No 87 at 1:15 yesterday afternoon was occasioned by a fire in the one story frame dwelling owned by red Tedrosky at No 1 street It communicated to an adjoining house which was slightly damaged Entire loss about $490 which was covered by insurance The cause Is said to have been carelessness in the use of kerosene in starting a fire in the stove A Meetings A praise service will be jield to night nt 8 o'clock at the Young Christian Association All young men invited to be present Death End All?" will be the subject at tiie Bible study Cor young men to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clpck AH young meu invited to attend WAKTED DRE8SMAKINO By the day by a competent wvmaa Address box 18 Leader office 48 I Black fur muff at th Olympian roller rink 3 hurslay evening finder will boro warded by tearing saino nt Ixnuter office 2t OP Lnrge well furnishod room! in Waring Block fronting Kenuard llouae for gentlemen only 615 pel mouth Inquire at room 18 Waring Block 61 OR BENT OICES Brown and white pointer pup with larg spot on his tuil liberal reward it returned to rublic Square 43 I' Black Gordon setter pup with strap col lor on 15 reward if leit nt Palmer A Mooy's Merwin it 43 SITUATION To do general housuwork in email private family 41 Row ley st references if rewired South or West Side preferred 49 By a capable Eng lish Protestant girl us waitress or to do cham ber work tan private family best of city refer ence AND DOMESTICS' BUREAU 48 245 Superior st rooms 1 and 2 WOODLAND AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN Corner Kennard st itev George Spininz II pnMur Preaching ul 19:33 Sun day morning and ill tho evening at 7:30 Sunday selial at 2:30 in WILLSON AVE PRESBYTERIANCIUTRCH of Willson nnd Lexington iter Cni los Chester pastor Preaching nt 10:45 a tn nnd 7:30 by the pnstor Sunday school at 2:30 in Yon ng meeti ng nt 6:30 tn JprCllD AVE J'RI'SBYTEKI jLLl Corner Brownell st Rev Win Davis poster Preaching at 10:15 ai 7:30 by the Iter Bushnell Sunday school at 12:30 Young meeting at 6:30 Church major audoua ferencc meeting I'ridny evening CASE AVE PRESBYTERIAN CBURCII Cor Case and CodiiraviM Rev Rollo Ogden islor Prewdiing nt 10:45 in the morning and i :30 in the evening Sunday school meets at Urn close of morning service Young prayer inciting ut 6:45 in Cedar avenue car pass Ilia church All welcome IffilllST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr JL Haydn will nreneh nt Calvary Chapel iu tin morning and at the tho even ing Mr Smith will reverse this order Sscrviroi nt 10:45 nnd 7:30 Sunday rehuol at 9: 15 a Bibln service nt 3p nl Stone Church at 3 pm at Calvary Clmpel All are welcome SECOND "PRESBYTERIAN CHUHCH nor Prospect st and Sti rling ave Rev Chas Pomeroy pastor Regular sen iesa at 10:45 a in with preaching by tho pastor In the evening his discourse will bo given as chaplain ot the Cleveland Grays "ho will attend in a body ia uniform Sunday school at 230 in Welcuma MISCELLANEOUS ENDS' Codur uve bvtwocu Hay 12 ward and Sterling Ministers Natiiauuud Jsther rame Services at 10:15 a and 7:30 Sabbath school nt 2:30 Young people's nnctiiig ul 4 inEverybudyjrelcomu fllHLDBEN'S I'ROliRESSIvis VJ Meets every Sunday at 1 in Weisger Hall Edward Dudley Esq of this city will address the children Public invited free JL Sociable Tuesday March 3 1 huiniw 1 eeii Con ductor 49 CIIIURCH OI'TIIESPIKITUAL ERA Meeta every Sunday in Hall nt 10:45 a nnd 7 Mrs A smith trance speaker morning nnd evening Public test nt the close of the lectures Sundays of March Mr 1 Brooks ot Miiiiison Win Admission 10o 60 NEW JERUSALEM CHUltCH Arlington st between Garden nnd Cednr Iter Philip Cabell pastor Service! every Sundaynt 10:30 a Seat! nee Sunday school every Sunday after morning service Doctrinal class in the church every Sutiuday evening aJJiSO PEOPLE'S TAIIERXEICLE Corner St Cluir and Ontario ste Rev Wm John pastor Cnmmunhn service nt 10:15 Sunday school at 3 Monthly fam ly gathering A new Scripture and song service entitled "The Two Waysvnu singing ree scats Welcome 49 CliuRCH OTliK UNlTY' Junotioii of Bali var with i'ruaiioct st Hosmer ininistor Service at 10:45 a Sunday school at 12:15 Noveiing servioo Any person interested in Uni tarian thought receive pamphlet ruions eto on adilruasing with inclosed stump Mr Ilusiuur 176 Euclid ave On Broadway about 2 Tuesday 2 17th a inmil nortemonnnie owner enn ea 1 at Standard works office and Identify the same nnd itsoontents 48 ilECTUllIL Thursday afternoon ebruary 19 II Barney aged 53 years uneral from his hte residence No 610 Superior street Sunday ebruary 22 at 2 ui Burial private 2t On riday ebruary 20 of scarlet fever Gertie Kellogg aged 1 years and 7 months youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Kel logg uneral from thofiimily residence No 76 West Madison avenue Sunday at 2 Burial pri vate Tn this city ebruary 19 Christian Heitnberger ood 76 year! uneral Sunday ebruary 22 at 2:30 tn from Jennings Avenue Brunch Church riends invited to attend M'edaesJay ebruary 13 Mra Dor cas Warren uneral Saturday nt 2 tn from her Into resi dence Doan and rank street! Wednesday evening at 19 o'clock John Docker uneral from late residence 12 Branch avenue UU OUIlU iyi I COtllllD at 4 VlUUlU Thursday ebruary 19 at 11 a iu George AV Sled well aged 63 years uneral from residence of his son 152 Lake street Saturday ebruary 21 at 2pm riends invited Andrea! Reich at 1 AVednqsday ebruary 18 at his residence 21 Seymour avenue uneral at residence Saturday 21st at 2 WANTED EMALE HELP 17AOR Mason st 8 rooms Ly man st 8 rooms: Jases Court 6 rooms Cliff st 8 rooms Worthington at 5 rooms first class suite onCleve st 3 rooms on Worthington st refit 85 to S16a inoulh 50 11 KESSLER 10 Public Square OB RENT BOOMS IMOll SALE HOUSE AND LOT 12 Oakdale ave between Euclid and Cedar now house i rooms gas water bath etc S2 590 easy terms bargain AV 11 VAN TINE JR Ut Superior st Telephone 1053 ifouSES AND lOTS 12 New Eastlake stylo house 10 rooms furnace ole reception hall elegantly papered mantels folding doors cellar under hole house largo uttie eto on ifth ave opposite highschool big bar gain 65W0 Arlington Court Enstlake hoti'c bath hot and cold water mantels etc papered through out price 1290 easy payireuta Case ave between Cedar nnd Garden 10 rooms furnace ete elegantly decorated S7500 A SELOVKll 225 Superior itTe1cp1i 438 49 jjWR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS Care ave fine location lot 50x1'4) fine house 14 ronmi gas water bath furnace etc good barn offered at tho low price of 4831X1 J4 eash balauoo tu int rare bargain house alune oust 7M0 23 ourth ave 50 15 1 fine modern house 11 rooms every convenience elegantly deeorntud etc fine harn offered at special prieo tor few days on easy terms owner iuteiids leaving the city bargain Case live near Euclid S(h175 fine house 14 rooms modern throughout will nay SI00 tv815(XM for property on Euclid near Madison ave 21 Arlington Court house 7 rooms inoilern con veniences gas fixtures finely papered etc offered fit low price $200 cash balance monthly luiyuieute of Sin including interest ete Oakdale close tu Euclid 59 foot front house of 10 rooms first class condition onlv mi AV1L VANTINE J1L Telephone 1063 141 8upsrior it LOTS WANTED LADY AGKNTrt or daisy itocking and skirt sup porters shoulder braces bustles bosom forurs drees eliield safety belt leave protectors etc entirely new dovioei unprecedented profits we have 500 agent making $100 monthly Ad Ires with stamp 11 Campbell Co 9 Houth Al ay st Chicago DOMESTICS I7AOR In Standard block JL2 fronting on Euclid av 0 on second and sixth Uo or and two office ith north light Apply ut room No 9 62 RENT AdMirable office in tho J2 Clark block Superior it also on tiie vpter floor several steeping room to moaouly Inquire at room 9 or Iffi 69 IORRENT ROOM'r Tw Urge rooms on 21 Coor of iawvler botldlng suitable for office orbop iower can be furntetiM if doured Apply at Loader counting room if I HOB In Wick Block facing JL2 Public Square heated by steam have water ete rent $15 per month and upwards Henry Wick A Co Bankers 87foh'r ENT AliiLLANlui UrL 1 DOR Bolton ave 2 modern houses 10 rooms each with furnace bath hot and cold water etc Adams 111 WaterL 55 inORRENT HOUSES roin April 13 new 12 dwelling houses with all modern improve ments on Bolivar st near Erie Spalding 261 Prospect st 49 By an uiiiuun! A number of German American English and Canadian girls who want Ouokiug second and gen eral lunisework: also several capable biunduMses MATRONS' AND DOM 345 Superior st rooms 1 A 2 Telephone 350 49 AV ANTE ITulvf Small house or 5 to 6 rooms for housekeeping between Public Square and Huutiugton st Address box IflLeader oflico 62 April 1 a 10 room house in good looation on the East Side up stairs suitable for light housekeeping rent moderate Address box 21 Leader office 50 The AVork ot Incendiaries Persons returning from a dance early yes terday morning discovered a fire on the roof of John residence No 44 Davis street The family was aroused and after considerable di fliculty the flame were extin guished without the nid of the department It was found that oil had been placed on the roof aud aide of the house and Iguited by means of a bunch of burning rags which had also been saturated with oil CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Roataurant and bakery at Salem (I a good lucrative busines of 12 year staipl imr Inquire of Thomas Salem 0 or at office of Hull A apor jjtove Co Cleveland 53 IjAOR well selected 85000 stock of dry gotHlsand noth ns nil In rriinc condition will exchange for improved or unimproved city property A SELOVElt 225 Superior itTetephone 438 49 ipOR SA GROCERY ixtures and12 lease and wagon well located and doing a good business price $1200 also houses aud loi for enlem all parte of the city aud money to loau on real estate HOGAN Real Estate roker 222 Superior 61 A VTANTED SITUATlON JJy a faithful con AV scientiousSeotihgirlto take care uf chil dren cando plain sewipg nicely Cull for thia week at 326 Sibley st 48 By an expert ladystenographer and tyno miter operator an office situation or itajagraphioand copying work of any kind best city referimoes Address box 11 Leader office 53 DOMESTICS A housekeeper for some widower is intelligent and can bring good references age 26 years Call at 344 Ontario st room 6 49 TV" By a young lady to work in office keep books cashier or any office work has considerable experience Address box 135 Leader office "Vir To rent 2 unfurnished rooms mod AV ern conveniences East Side Jeweler earn qfjs i gler Bros A Co 211 Superior st 49 Unfurnished room and board for gentleman east of AVillson nve preferred Addrees A 237 Perry st 49 OB REST HOUSES I710R April 1 convenient 2 framehouse Euclid nve near Dodge In quire 8 Dodge No 13 Blackstone Building 59 1UCLID AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner pt Huntington street Itev George dhomns Dowling tho isistqr will prenehat in and in babbath school at 12:30 Prayer nnd praise meeting every riday at 7:30 Welcome OpAKAVE BAPTIST CnUBCU Corner of 1 Logan and buclid aves Rov King pas tor Sundiiy school at a ProncTiingby ths pastor at 11 a Prayer and praise aerviot) at7 tn Scats free all are welcome Roz lir weekly prayer meeting on iiday evening at 7:45 WILLSON AVENUE BAPTIST' CHURCH Corner illson avenue and Quincy street George Craft pastor bivine norviee at 10:45 a tn and Preaching by the paster all free Prmer meeting riday evening ntCiW loung people's meeting every Sunday fcvcin 1 1 at 6:45 IjMRST BAPTIST GHURCII Cornrr Voa st service at 10:45 a tn and 7:30 in Preaching in tho morning by tho astor Philip Moxom In the evening Mrs Ellen oster ot Iowa will speak on Temperance nnd the question Sunday school at 2:15 horvtce the lecture room every night dur og the week except Saturday All are welcome Suitable for doctor or Lj dentist office with light housekeeping 676 Pearl st Inquire at 8 Jay st 49 71OR urniHied rooms svit able for one or two gondomen inquire at room 10 Crocker block 313 superior st 4 JjftOll RENT ROOM A deairablo tmjull room 1 with puwer in a central location Call at bio Sheriff st the Cleveland Electrical Co 48 front room furnished modern conveniences with beard to gentle man and wife abo a desirable side romp: Cae ave near 3 lines street cars Address box 1 Leader office 48 1 A few young gentlemen can be A accoTninodated with rooms and board also a few day boarders location very desirable: stree cart pa the door Mrs harbor 129 ranklin ave 8 ANTED AT ONCE good plumbers Des noy ers the plumber 33U Prospect st 4a XlfANT Tbree men of good cnoc steady employment: 377 Bund st 54 1EV rom New York will hold a diaeourre in Gonna on the im rnortAlity of the soul morality and humanity at the Anhe Emeth bynagogue Erie st on Satur day ebruary 21 al3 o'clock 49 URKSSMAKINt INK On lorence A st well built house of 10 rooms mantels lake water etc lot 40x135 with shade fruit etc price 1AWU on small payments i OD ELL 249 Superior st Telephone 30J 43 IpOR East Cleveland 1 ave fine house of 16 rooms man tel folding doora bath gas water etc good lot with barn only $1500 ODELL 249 Superior st Telephone 309 53 JOKSAlE BARGAIN 2 House and lot Putnam st near Woodland new house rooms gas water sewer bathrooms etc offered at the low price of very cheap VAN TINE JR Ill Superior st JPelephone 1063 49 Mntinfactur jng busiDces: large orders ahead security given good opportunity Address H1LIA Su per i 0 1 45 OPLC1AL Brara foundry nmnn KJ fiwturitiK interest paying 59 ner cent hotel liw and furniture laloon wnfectionery millin ery dru store 62 A McCONNELL 2W uneriur st Money to loan Iu ums to wit HOGAN 222 fiururiof 50 rOANS Large sum! preferred A MORTON 25 Euclid are room 2 57 QIWWTO In nuns to suit panim oa real etato security for one or more years Ell room 3 23 Public Square 56 MONEY TO On good city real oztate security Inquire of IV CRAWORD room 2 Havings Hank Building Public Square 50 MONEY TO In sums to fuiton Cleve land property or on' tarins will also buy mortgage notes Apply to 8 HOGAN 222 Sv porter st near MeGilliu' store 50 HERTING WAN SITUATION As metal pattern maker lung extierience on different classes of work Address box 25 Leader office 48 MISUELIANEOI'S By a registered I pharmacist single 25 years of age best uf references Address box 85 Loader office 49 Birthday Celebration A grand concert with an oration by Henry Clay White Esq on will be given at the Seovill Avenue Methodist Church next Monday evening under the di rection of the Lyceum The performers are the best in th city including Professor Col son the Arions Mrs ord nnd Mrs Haywood Hoynes and the programme is a yaried and delightful one which will be the verdict of all who attend There is no more appropriate manner of observing a great na tional event than in the manner proposed on Monday evening Backslliters aud (Inthollcs ranklin Avenue Church is still moving forward in the revival work Souls are being converted every evening and the influence is constantly reaching a wider circle The people reached are of ail classes' some backsliders some young people of the families of the church some Roman Catho lics some who have been under the power of strong drink some young and some old The church is looking for a still wider sweep of revival influences Mrs Lathrop will preach morning and evening on Sunday Washington's Birthday To morrow the one hundred and fifty third anniversary of birth will be duly observed at the Seovill Avenue Metho dist Church In the morning at 10:45 the Cleveland Grays Captain razee will unite with the congregation ot the church In religious worship aud an appropriate ser mon will be delivered by the pastor Dr Muller In the evening at 7:30 a sermon will be given on tiie of True The public will be wel come NKM On 2d are near JL' olar nve and hiah school mantels gas hot and culd tcr etc only 51 ODELL 249 Superior st Telephone KOO 49 IjlOR New Eastlake house hast Cleveland uear Euclid avo mantels bath gas water etc only $2500 ODELL 249 Superior st Telephone 309 50 IpOR RENT BUILDING No 137 Water st 4 floors and basement lijdniulic elevator Inquire at 208 Superior st room 9 60 1p61iRKNT WAnEHOUSE 39 Merwin st river iroat dock aud warehouse in good oon dilion Joteiffi Perkins 6 Perkin! building 49 POR REXT MME IU LNSNow oceiipie l' by Calkins A Co River sU river frontage prop erty in good condition Joseph Perkins 6 Perkins building 49 IpORRENT BLOCK rom April 1 brick block corner Morwin and Center ete occu pied by Wonwick 'Pg Co Apply to II Har vey 1071 Euclid ave 63 PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Cor Prospect nnd Perry sts Service at 1 0:45 and pm with preaching at both by Rev Ross Hougbtun I) 1) ipUCLlD AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL J2J Corner Luelid avouuo and Izigni tC Lev Lndd pastor Service tit 10:30 a in and 7:00 Sunday school nt 12 0 clock Young people meeting at 6:00 o'clock Couie GIRI A German girl on who is a good cook also to wash aid Iron refer cucci required Call at 577 Euclid avo 48 WANTED GIRL A good cook nnd general house worker Address box 21 leader office Hating reference aud where can be found 48 Ellis los XHis Case Mr Herman Koppel and Constable Tim Mayes have won the damage suit brought by Ellis against them which has just been tried before Judge McKinney and a jury Mr Koppel stored a quantity of furniture in the warehouse ot Mr Ellis but could not get it when he wanted it owing to an unpaid bill of $19 claimed to be resting against him He secured a writ of replevin and Censtnlde Hayes with two assistants went to the ware house and seized tho furniture Mr Koppel filed a counter claim for damage doueby Mr Ellis to Ins furniture The jury before whom tho case was tried brought iu a verdict for the defense yesterday and awarded Mr Koppel $40 damages Sing Makes Ills I' ucnpe As a result of the confidence be reposed in rank Sing Constable Heintz ot Justice office will make a donation to the Bethel to day of twenty loaves of bread Sing was arrested Thursday for having ob tained $1370 from Duty Kennedy by false pretenses and started out that evening iu charge of Kennedy to borrow the amount from friends He led Kennedy to Kennard street and then escaped While at the jus office Sing begged tiie reporters to sup press bis name as be could easily secure the money and all would be right Heintz was deeply impressed with tha young ap parent honesty and promised in case he failed to return to donate the broad to the Bethel JpitANKLIN AVE CHURUH CornwA: ranklin avo and I 11:1 mi st 1 Leak 1 pastor i'rcaoliiiig in the morning and even ing by Mrs Liillirop who is assisting the pastor in revival serrices JENNINGS AVENUE CHURCH Ror A Van Cinnp pastor Preaching nt 16:45 a iu and 7 in Sunday school at 9:30 a in Prayer meeting I riilav evening nt o'clock Pastor's rosiiteiioo 132 Merchant nvo I BIRST Euclid avenue cornet JU of street liev Jay Youinnns pastor Preaching nt 10:15 a and 7:30 pm Snbbetli sclmol at 9:30 nnd young poopin' meeting nt 6:30 Ever body welcome jpi'CllD AVE AL CIIURCH Dunne street JJ near Euclid live Rev Manchester pas tor I 'reaching by pastor ut 10:30 a and 7 ia Sunday scliooiat 12:10 Jones sup't Prayut service 6 111 Scats free wulcoino nlL OCOV1IL AVE Rev II kJ Muller 1) pastor residence 173 Arlington street Sunday school at 9'W a in Preaehing by the poster at 10:48 a 111 end 7:30 in Morning subject "Wash niton His Character and Intlucuco" evening "Element of Tree ro Young peoiilo's ineoting nt CENTRAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL Prospect st corner Willnou are Rev A II Norcross pastor Sunday school at 9:15 111 ut 10:45 a 111 Mrs Ellen oster of Iowa will speak subject "Toinperunoo" mid the Sablai th Class nieetingat 11:45 a Young peo meeting nt in Evening aer vie at 7:30 with preaching by tho pastor Wclcoma WANTED ELECTRO PLATER CaU at Weddell Houm before 3 o'clock to day Wallace 49 WANTED UPHOLSTERER A flnit clati unhoteterer with 31X00 good nlary and in terelt in businate AddrM box 33 leader office 49 And PMer hanger to work fora roti pl of wack Txmder office stating wage per week and whar can lie found 43 MISCELLANEOUS.

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Who was Cleveland, Ohio named after? ›

Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836. Aided by its proximity to rail and water routes and natural resources like iron and oil, the City of Cleveland served as a central hub for industrial growth, commerce, and trade throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

Who was Moses Cleveland founder of Cleveland Ohio? ›

CLEAVELAND, MOSES (29 Jan. 1754-16 Nov. 1806), founder of the city of Cleveland, was born in Canterbury, Conn. In 1777, Cleaveland began service in the Revolutionary War in a Connecticut Continental Regiment, and graduated from Yale.

What is the origin of the name Cleveland? ›

Cleveland was established on July 22, 1796, by surveyors of the Connecticut Land Company when they laid out Connecticut's Western Reserve into townships and a capital city. They named the settlement "Cleaveland" after their leader, General Moses Cleaveland, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War.

What is Cleveland best known for? ›

What is Cleveland, OH Known For? 10 Things to Love About This City
  1. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. ...
  2. Cleveland Museum of Art. ...
  3. Historic West Side Market. ...
  4. Playhouse Square. ...
  5. Cleveland Metroparks. ...
  6. Great Lakes Science Center. ...
  7. Cleveland Cavaliers and Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse. ...
  8. Cultural and arts scene.
Jan 25, 2024

What is the nickname of Cleveland Ohio? ›

The most popular nicknames for Cleveland in 2022 are “216,” “CLE,” and “The Land.” All three appear in organization names, events, media references, t-shirt designs, and social media hashtags such as #ThisIsCLE from the 2014 Destination Cleveland “This is Cleveland” campaign to encourage social media posts of the city.

Why is Cleveland called Brown? ›

The Browns were founded in 1946 and, as the result of a fan contest to choose their moniker, were named after their first head coach, Paul Brown, who was already a popular figure in Ohio, having coached the Ohio State University to a national collegiate football championship.

Who was the first person on Ohio? ›

The first known non-native person to reach the area was French explorer Robert de La Salle, who arrived around 1670. French fur traders followed and began to settle in the area, but in 1763 the British claimed the area after winning the French and Indian War.

Who was the first black man to settle in Cleveland? ›

George Peake (variantly spelled Peek and Peak) is the first known Black settler in the Cleveland area. Not a lot is known about Peake, but what little is known paints a very unique picture. Peake was a native of Maryland but also spent some time in Pennsylvania before coming to Cleveland.

Who was the original owner of the Cleveland Indians? ›

Under the aegis of the original owners, Cleveland businessmen John Kilfoyle (president, 1901-08) and CHARLES SOMERS (1908-15), the team began to develop a farm system to improve their play. However, the club, which played in LEAGUE PARK at E. 65th St. and Lexington Ave., was a serious pennant contender only in 1908.

What ethnicity is Cleveland? ›

The city's Downtown is majority non-Hispanic white, with African American, Asian, and Hispanic minorities.

Why did Cleveland change their name to the Indians? ›

Origin and significance of the name

The name "Indians" originated from a request by club owner Charles Somers to baseball writers to choose a new name to replace "Naps" following the departure of their star player Nap Lajoie after the 1914 season.

What was Cleveland given name at birth? ›

Cleveland, the fifth of nine children, was named Stephen Grover in honor of the first pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Caldwell, where his father was pastor at the time. He became known as Grover in his adult life.

Who is the most famous person from Cleveland Ohio? ›

Famous People Born in Cleveland
  • Drew Carey. Drew Carey grew up in Cleveland's Old Brooklyn neighborhood with his parents and two brothers. ...
  • Halle Berry. ...
  • Tracy Chapman. ...
  • Vanessa Bayer. ...
  • Yvette Nicole Brown. ...
  • Arsenio Hall. ...
  • Phil Donahue. ...
  • Lili Reinhart.

What food is known in Cleveland? ›

Let's explore seven delectable dishes that should be on your Cleveland food bucket list.
  • Polish Boy at Seti's.
  • Pierogi.
  • Corned Beef Sandwiches – A Cleveland Delicacy.
  • Savor a Sfogliatelle.
  • Cleveland's Ice Cream.
  • The All-Famous Chicken Wings.
  • Bite into a Slice of Cleveland's Pizza.

What was the original name of the Cleveland Indians? ›

The CLEVELAND GUARDIANS (formerly the Cleveland Indians) baseball team, a charter member of the American League, founded in 1901, was originally named the Blues, then the Broncos, and from 1903-11 was known as the Naps, in honor of player-manager NAPOLEON LAJOIE.

Why did they name him Cleveland Brown? ›

Writers may have named the character Cleveland Brown in reference to the similarly named football team, although his last name was not revealed until after Family Guy returned from cancellation in 2005.

Why did they drop the A in Cleveland? ›

In 1831, the Cleveland Advertiser dropped the first “a” in the city's name to reduce the length of the newspaper's masthead. From then on, the community was known as Cleveland. Located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, the town did not grow substantially until the Erie Canal was completed in 1825.

Who were the first settlers in Cleveland, Ohio? ›

CARTER, LORENZO (1767-7 Feb. 1814), frontiersman, community leader, and tavernkeeper, was Cleveland's first permanent settler, arriving in Cleveland on 2 May 1797 with his brother-in-law, Ezekiel Hawley (Holley, Holly), and their families.


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5854

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.