Polish Potato Pancakes, Easy Potato Pancakes | Jenny Can Cook (2024)

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Polish Potato Pancakes

Potato pancakes don’t have to be greasy… or hard to make. My recipe is easy thanks to my food processor but you can always grate the potatoes and onion by hand. The secret is to drain off the potato juice but keep the starch. Serve these Polish Placki Kartoflane with a little light sour cream or do like my mother did and slice up the leftover ones and cook into scrambled eggs for breakfast. - Jenny Jones

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Makes: 12 3-inch pancakes

Polish Potato Pancakes, Easy Potato Pancakes | Jenny Can Cook (1)


  • 2 large russet potatoes, raw (about 1 1/2 pounds)
  • 1/4 cup onion (about 1/2 of a small onion)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tablespoon flour (whole wheat or all-purpose)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Pepper to taste

  • 3 teaspoons oil, divided, for frying (I use avocado oil)


  1. Place peeled & chopped potatoes and onion into a food processor. Process for about 30 seconds until lumps are gone.
  2. Place in a fine-mesh strainer over a bowl and let drain for 5 minutes or longer.
  3. Carefully pour off the drained liquid but keep the white starch that’s settled on the bottom.
  4. To the starch, add the drained potato/onion mixture, egg, flour, salt, & pepper.
  5. In a cast iron skillet, heat 1/2 teaspoon of oil over medium heat. Spoon 1/4 cup mounds into pan, flattening each one to an even thickness.
  6. Cook about 3 minutes per side, adding 1/2 teaspoon oil as needed. If not using cast iron, cook over med-high and they make take a little longer. (You can keep them warm in a 200° oven on a paper towel-lined pan.)

Polish Potato Pancakes

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  1. Patti

    April 16, 2024 at 5:32 am

    Your recipes are the best I’ve ever used!!!

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  2. Julie

    April 3, 2024 at 8:16 am

    Needs celery for a great taste. My nana and mom and myself always used celery 🩷

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  3. Berta murphy

    February 27, 2024 at 5:45 am

    My mother was Pennsylvania Dutch and my father was Polish and Lithuanian so my mother had to learn many Polish meals to satisfy my father’s cravings. His sisters taught her well…she returned the kindness by sharing some German recipes.She was an excellent cook and we had many German and Polish meals throughout our childhood.

    I can’t wait to make these. My mom used to make them on Fridays and it was our entire meal. we would have small bowls in the center of the table of applesauce and sour cream to dollop over. some of us used one some of us used the other. my mother made them using a meat grinder that was attached to our table and a bucket was placed underneath where all the water would drip out. I just assumed everybody made them that way. It’s funny to hear people using food processors and hand graters. Since I don’t have the meat grinder anymore and I do not have a food processor I will be using a hand grater. Wish me luck..aaaah such nice memories….

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  4. Nancy Gallagher

    August 1, 2023 at 6:20 am

    My grandmother used to use the finest grate on a hand grater for the potatoes and the onions. It was more like a meal (it looked similar to cream of wheat) For me, this was the hardest part, very tedious) and by the time I was finished, my potatoes were turning red. Using the food processor would be wonderful. I’m wondering if I cut my raw potatoes small can I just put them in the bottom of the processor without using the shredder blade so the potatoes are not shredded but more of a meal consistency? Has anyone done this and how did it work out? Any help would be appreciated.

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    • Lorraine

      October 4, 2023 at 7:20 am

      Hi Nancy….I make my potato pancakes in the bottom of the food processor all the time. I just use the processor blade add some diced potatoes and start to process adding more diced potatoes through the shoot on the top along with some diced onion. The result is like a mealy cream of wheat consistency. I scrape it all into a large bowl and then I add the flour, egg, salt and pepper and mix well….Drop by tablespoons into hot oil and fry…..turns out great! Hope this helps.

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    • Janet Benedick Larson

      July 27, 2023 at 6:00 pm

      Love potato pancakes. It was a special treat when Dad was absent (he didn’t care for them). Even when we were grown and married Mom would make these for us when we were all home at the same time. Garlic, yes! Always added Cream of Wheat to make them crispier. Yum!!!

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      • Carol S

        December 26, 2023 at 11:57 am

        Cream of wheat sounds interesting but how much?

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      • Edward

        May 10, 2023 at 4:40 pm

        Potato pancakes seemed so complicated. My favorite breakfast restaurant couldn’t make good ones, so I figured they must be difficult to make. Then I stumbled upon your recipe. Wow! So easy and so delicious. I thought of giving the restaurant cook the recipe but instead I’ll just keep making them myself at home. Thanks, Jenny.

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      • Jennifer Marlow

        April 10, 2023 at 10:34 pm

        Jenny, I love this recipe! I’ll be sharing it in a column I write for a local newsletter for folks with mental illness who are learning to live on their own, and growing cooking skills (and of course, will credit and give them your url). This site will be invaluable for these mostly young people.

        To be honest, sometimes I re-watch your youtube videos because it’s like cooking in the kitchen with a friend. One who is kind and warm, with mad skills. Thanks so much. Love & light to you, from Canada.

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        • Jenny Can Cook

          April 11, 2023 at 9:27 am

          What a great thing you are doing. I’m so glad to know my recipes are helping others, especially in Canada! 🇨🇦

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        • ROXANNE

          December 28, 2022 at 7:31 am

          I’m from Michigan as well and come from an Eastern European background not sure if polish or Russian but still LOL that’s exactly how my mom would cook and when people ask me for recipes I tell them the ingredients and they asked me how much and I say til it feels right!
          It would be nice to know each other on social media to share stories of our backgrounds

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        • TorontoGirl

          December 19, 2022 at 11:52 am

          My Mom always put everything in the blender. I didn’t like the consistency in a food processor, don’t want to be like hash browns. So, I’m going to try to use Vitamix and your recipe. Have you ever tried a blender rather than food processor? My Mom never drained them and were perfect. Wish she was here so I could ask her for the recipe. I have to take to friends, making batches ahead of time, what is the best way to store them and reheat?

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        • Chuck Slomski

          August 11, 2022 at 4:49 am

          My potato pancakes never have or ever will taste like my mothers, at least according to my memory. When I make them now, I make a simple change of eliminating flour but adding instant potato flakes in its place. The pancakes then are GF. Chuck

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        • Amy Lewandowski

          July 12, 2022 at 9:16 am

          This is how my grandmother taught us to make them; so delicious; we make these when we’re not in the mood to cook a big supper.

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        • Linnea

          March 29, 2022 at 1:42 pm

          Made these for my boyfriend (Polish AF)– he was shocked when he tasted them because of how good/authentic they tasted. Thanks for the easy recipe!

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        • Dianne

          March 21, 2022 at 1:03 pm

          I have a question, I was wondering if you can use leftover mashed potatoes to make these? I thought that is how my grandmother made them or am I thinking of something else. I know she called them Potato Pancakes. 🙂

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          • Jenn

            April 15, 2022 at 6:21 am

            Yes they are still potato pancakes . The Polish way is to shred them ! I’ve done it your way just to use up left overs !

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          • Edward

            February 23, 2022 at 10:17 am

            Hi Jenny,
            Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love potato pancakes but have never been successful making them. That is, until I saw your video. Tried it and loved the results. So easy yet so delicious. I like mine with both applesauce and sour cream. Just curious: Is there any way to make the batter a day ahead or will that ruin the flavor and consistency?

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          • Linda

            February 9, 2022 at 7:29 am

            My Dad liked putting powdered sugar on his potato pancakes. I prefer applesauce myself.

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          • Rae

            December 16, 2021 at 6:24 am

            I have family and friends who make latkes successfully. Some shred and some use processor. I have been unsuccessful, dreading making them. That is, until I met Jenny Can Cook!
            OMGOSH! Now I love making them. The big learned lessons for me:
            1. After process potatoes and onion drain in strainer over a bowl. EASY!
            2. Let pan or electric skillet ( no mess) get hot before putting in tiny bit of oil swished around.
            3. Add the egg, flour, etc after drain; rather than before or processing all together.
            BTW I add more onion ( to taste). A lot more!
            Thank you Jenny! My brothers thank you too!

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          • Frances

            August 5, 2021 at 8:50 am

            Thanks for a yummy recipe I like potatoes !
            I’m trying low carb too but potatoes are nutritious

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          • Mickey Cashen

            August 3, 2021 at 9:17 am

            Great recipe, reminiscent of my Polish-American mom. I added 2 tsp baking powder and did not strain it, more through laziness than conviction.
            Peach flavored Greek yogurt, half a 5.3 oz container on 4 pancakes, is an excellent topping for me: a little sweet but not enough to mask the taste of the pancake.
            With 24 oz. of gold potatoes weighed after peeling and using a 1/4 cup measuring spoon for each pancake. It made 16 pancakes. 4 is enough for breakfast or a light lunch with yogurt or applesaucer another big topping.
            I put 4 pancakes in each of 3 bags to refrigerate or freeze and nuke another day.

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          • Mike

            May 28, 2021 at 9:25 am

            I use bacon grease instead of oil. Just like my mother did.

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            • ROXANNE

              December 28, 2022 at 7:20 am

              Moms and grandmas always used what they had and bacon grease is a great fill-in for oil. Also give some great flavor

            • Pat Kwiatkowski McKay

              November 2, 2020 at 7:18 am

              Nice recipe, very close to my Mom’s. We’d always squeeze the shredded potatoes to get them as dry as possible before mixing in the other ingredients. My mom also always added a tsp or two of baking powder & one of baking soda as well. Kept them light. My mouth is watering, just thinking about these. They’re work & messy but worth every bite!

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              • ellabella

                October 2, 2021 at 11:08 pm

                You do not squeeze too much grated potatoes because then the pancakes will be too dry. I was born and raised in Poland, but I have never, ever heard of baking soda or baking powder in potato pancakes.

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                • Jenny Can Cook

                  October 4, 2021 at 7:51 am

                  Pat is just sharing fond memories of her mother’s cooking. Let’s be kind and respectful of her family’s traditions. It makes me feel good when my recipes bring back memories of how their mother or grandmother used to make something, especially in Polish cooking.

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                  • John Iwanyszyn

                    December 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm

                    Nothing like the cooking and baking from the old country. Doesn’t get any better. Thanks for all your recipes. Much appreciated.

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                  • Marilyn Ann Watson

                    December 30, 2021 at 4:35 pm

                    My Mom was polish and she used baking soda.

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                  • Cindy Paoletta

                    February 24, 2022 at 10:35 am

                    I can’t help but wonder if you are the same Pat that lived on Russett in Broadview Hts., OH ??
                    I love sharing good Polish recipies!


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                  • Cindy T.( Indiana)

                    September 17, 2020 at 5:10 pm

                    I was wondering if I could brush with oil, and use air fryer !?? I dont own cast iron, and people on here are saying they dont turn out as well in reg. Fry pan. Thanks..looks yummy I’m 100% polish, and love to get recipes to pass down to my kids

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                    • Lee Ann

                      October 3, 2020 at 7:48 am

                      I’ve cook mine in a regular frying pan you just have to be careful with the heat and it will take a little bit more oil.

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                    • Lynnie C.

                      August 4, 2020 at 8:06 am

                      Amazing recipe Jenny. Personally, I add more onion as I love the taste.

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                    • Carol

                      July 16, 2020 at 11:48 am

                      Made these yesterday. Were just like the pancakes I remember making with my mother so many years ago. We grated the potatoes on the fine holes of the grater, works so much faster in the processor. Don’t like the king made with shredded potatoes. Looking forward to making many more of your recipes.

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                    • Nokie

                      June 6, 2020 at 2:06 pm

                      Was so fascinated with this recipe. Had to try it right away and it came out great. Thank you for the recipe!

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                    • Linda

                      June 5, 2020 at 8:10 pm

                      This is a Polish Potato Pancake not a Latke!

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                      • marlene Aurti

                        March 4, 2021 at 7:34 pm

                        I love the look of these little darlings…would like to put them in my hungry mouth to taste, but alas, I am unable to. But I’m latke eater!! These delightful-looking “scrummies” seem to be more crusty and larger than a latke..but anyone who makes either one of the two..please think of the people who long for the taste of super crusty delicious morsels, but are only able to go to Perkins or what ever, and remember yesterday…..

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                      • M Hung

                        May 26, 2020 at 7:33 pm

                        Jenny, my adult son and I just left the dinner table smiling like idiots. It’s just tht neither of us could stop kvelling about the simple, yet elegantly scrumptious these latkes were.
                        [Confession: Methought I’d outsmart you and use my new, tried and trusted deep non-stick skillet which is a breeze to wash. Results: the first batch was kinda pale in color, and hinted of a raw inside??? So for the next batch I switched to the cast iron skillet and Voilà, these came out much crispier on the outside, and cooked! on the delicious inside. Sorry, Jenny, I promise to never do this again].
                        Oh yes .. thank you for your beauty in sharing this with our world.

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                      • Stephanie

                        May 18, 2020 at 12:09 pm

                        Can you make the batter ahead of time and put it in the fridge and then fry them?

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                        • Suzy

                          June 26, 2020 at 5:07 am

                          YES! YES! YES! Accidentally made way too much and batter kept in fridge 3-4 days. Turns a funny color, but stir it up and it tastes EXACTLY like it did the first day. First time I ever tried it and so glad I did!!!!!

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                          • ROXANNE

                            December 28, 2022 at 7:27 am

                            Bet it was a funny gray color huh?! My mom would do that as well and I remember them turning gray from the starch

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                          • Donna

                            April 28, 2020 at 9:08 am

                            Tuned out great. Thank you ?

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                          • Annette Kreamer

                            April 22, 2020 at 1:14 pm

                            I want your Recipe please ok thank you

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                          • Julianne E.

                            March 30, 2020 at 12:59 pm

                            I really don’t have a question at this time Jenny, I am sending this comment because I think your the greatest! I am from Michigan and am Polish and I considered my Mom the finest polish cook in the world. She passed away in 2008 at 93. I have most of her polish recipes written down from sessions I had with her before she passed. I missed some, but your recipes are filling in nicely. She very seldom used measuring spoons, it was a learned process she used. I love everything polish but head cheese, and only because I can’t stand unflavored help which keeps the head cheese together. Please keep going on your website, I love to watch you on youtube, your sweet, funny and an excellent polish cook. Keep up the good work przyjaciel!

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                          • Grace

                            February 3, 2020 at 9:27 am

                            Your directions do not make sense till this day. Drain off? What does that mean? Drain what? To where? Starch at the bottom? Then add back in what was drained?

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                            • Chris P.

                              February 3, 2020 at 10:42 am

                              You could try watching the video. ?

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                            • CML

                              June 1, 2020 at 7:05 pm

                              Liquid from the potatoes in the strainer will go into the bowl. Drain off the water from the bowl reserving the white starch that has settled to the bottom of the bowl. Watch the video or give it a try, the problem may be with the viewer not the writer.

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                            • Celine

                              June 17, 2021 at 1:31 pm

                              If you watched the video you would understand…

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                            • Chris

                              January 1, 2020 at 5:21 pm

                              RE: your polish potato pancakes

                              I have my own recipe which I like……….even like eating the leftovers cold from the fridge. Anyway, I grate raw potatoes but do NOT pour off the liquid……….I did this one time and the flavor went right out with the liquid! Won’t EVER do THAT again. I have an old jadeite green Tupperware grating bowl which I LOVE for grating raw potatoes…..it is the BEST because on the underside of the top grating disk there is a side with little nubs around the grating holes and the nubs give the potatoes the BEST grate for potato pancakes! Here is a photo of that bowl if you can get your hands on one……..look at the picture on the right and you can see the little nubs around the holes (you can still find some used bowls on ebay – didn’t see them on the tupperware site):


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                            • Catherine Hamilton

                              August 14, 2019 at 2:58 pm

                              Hi Jenn —
                              I’ve been making your placki for over a year now. I’ve tried so many recipes in the past and yours is by far my favorite. I’m preparing to post a photo of the potato pancakes I made using your recipe, and was wondering if I could reprint your recipe (without the paragraph of text) on instagram and Facebook, name you and your website at the top. I’m a freelance writer of Polish descent and have just recently found a publisher for my novel Victoria’s War: a WWII Novel. I’m trying to tie my IG cooking post to my writing now, which means posting more Polish food. Victoria’ mother is making placki in Chapter 1, and I thought I’d include a snippet of ch.1 and then you recipe. Could you email me and let me know if we can team up in this way?
                              All my best,

                              Reply to this comment

                              • Daniel Garbinski

                                December 31, 2019 at 10:41 pm

                                I hope in your novel you express the reality that Polish people were also targeted by the Nazis for ethnic cleansing to just the Jews. The Germans considered them an inferior race. Through out the ages many countries and cultures have tried to wipe out Poland, it’s people, it’s language, and it’s culture unsuccessfully. Hate crimes are still being committed today in the United Kingdom. Thank you for perpetuating the history of our great culture in a novel

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                              • anne

                                April 21, 2019 at 7:28 am

                                this is exactly how my grandma taught me to make them, all those years ago. the only difference is she cooked them in bacon fat, maybe not very healthy, but oh-so yummy!

                                Reply to this comment

                              • Charlie1960

                                February 2, 2019 at 12:27 pm

                                My ex-husband was maybe half polish and his recipe was passed down from his family. The potato pancakes were the same as yours but we topped with melted onion butter. Not sure where the last part came from but it’s very, very good. Wouldn’t have any other way! Have you ever heard of this?

                                Reply to this comment

                              • LaLa

                                February 2, 2019 at 12:26 pm

                                My ex-husband was maybe half polish and his recipe was passed down from his family. The potato pancakes were the same as yours but we topped with melted onion butter. Not sure where the last part came from but it’s very, very good. Wouldn’t have any other way! Have you ever heard of this?

                                Reply to this comment

                              • LaLa

                                February 2, 2019 at 12:24 pm

                                My ex-husband was maybe half polish and his recipe was passed down from his family. The potato pancakes were the same as yours but we topped with melted onion butter. Not sure where the last part came from but it’s very, very good. Wouldn’t have any other way!

                                Reply to this comment

                              • Pat S.

                                January 22, 2019 at 4:41 pm

                                I grate the potatoes, I never measure. Do it like my Polish Gramma made them. Grate potatoes ,also grate the onion as much as I want. Add salt pepper and flour until thickened a bit. Fry in Crisci oil ,,the Best but not that healthy.. lol. Enjoy

                                Reply to this comment

                              • Angel

                                January 20, 2019 at 2:38 pm

                                Can you please give me the recipe for the grated polish potato pancake that you put sugar on i miss them.now that my mother passed away she made two different kinds both grater but i really loved the ones we put sugar on thank you

                                Reply to this comment

                                • Kathy

                                  March 15, 2019 at 8:02 pm

                                  My mother did this too (put sugar on top). I remember putting raw potatoes through a meat grinder and adding flour, I believe. Not sure what else she added. She did fry them in Crisco, but I’ve been trying to find the recipe she used too. She was German, btw.

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                                • Liza

                                  June 8, 2020 at 10:00 am

                                  Grate russet potatoes on smallest grate. Leave sit until potatoes turn dark. Add a tsp of baking soda, tsp flour. Could add up to 2 eggs. Mix, cook in oil. We’ve never actually measured. Always turns out great! I can’t find other recipes online, like it. Old family usual. Remember to let the potatoes sit alone, before mixing other ingredients.

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                                • Sarah

                                  January 13, 2019 at 8:41 am

                                  Jenny, your cooking videos are a joy to watch! So well presented, clear and inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

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                                • Jeannine

                                  January 9, 2019 at 12:48 pm

                                  These were super easy to make and DELICIOUS!! I like mine with Greek yogurt and apple sauce 🙂 Thanks Jenny!

                                  Reply to this comment

                                • Basia

                                  November 6, 2018 at 5:42 pm

                                  1 tbl of flour for 2 potatoes is way too much flour. Polish potato cakes should have very little flour. 1 tbl of flour would be good for 4 or 5 potatoes. They should be crispy with uneven edges.

                                  Reply to this comment

                                  • Jan

                                    March 6, 2019 at 9:49 pm

                                    My mom did as yours did. I know as I had to grate potatoes and onion for a family of 6 and everyone loved them. I like the lacy edges myself. I’ll add a tiny bit of flour and see what happens.

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                                  • anderkat

                                    September 12, 2018 at 8:15 am

                                    When I made these, the potatoes turned pinkish-brown after grating and did not drain. When I mixed in the flour, egg and seasoning, the potatoes began to release moisture and drain. I poured off as much as possible and cooked them. They were okay but I’m not inclined to try making them again. Any ideas as to what I did wrong?

                                    Reply to this comment

                                    • Jenny Can Cook

                                      September 12, 2018 at 8:44 pm

                                      It sounds to me like you had old potatoes. Fresh ones will stay white but I will say it’s harder than ever to find fresh potatoes that have not been stored too long.

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                                      • Peggy

                                        January 12, 2021 at 9:44 am

                                        Mother -in-law put a grated carrot in mixture, kept the potatoes from turning gray…didn’t taste the carrot at all…

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                                      • Judy

                                        September 29, 2018 at 5:03 pm

                                        I grate the potatoes into cold water to cover them. This removes starch and prevents darkening.
                                        With fingers, remive potatoes from water, squeeze out all you can, then press more out in aclean tea towel.
                                        Drain rinse water carefully, reserving white potato flour at the bottom.
                                        NOW continue with the recipe. Potatoes will stay white and will release very little liquid at the end. Just made them tonight with home made applesauce and sour cream.

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                                      • Old Texan

                                        October 30, 2018 at 10:09 am

                                        To add to the comments, grate your potatoes into water with a tablespoon or so of white vinegar or bottled lemon juice. The exact measurement is one gurgle.
                                        This will keep your potatoes white.
                                        I have stored peeled, diced, or sliced potatoes in the refrigerator overnight using that method.
                                        You can’t taste the vinegar after cooking, because it cooks off.
                                        It’s the starch oxidizing, but I have yet to figure out the pink color, it seems as old Russets, {Idahos are just big Russets.) are the worst.
                                        This is another Texas Greasy Spoon Cafe secret practice. It keeps the sliced french fries white until use.
                                        We always called this just potato patties, usually made from left over mashed potatoes, but the same recipe otherwise.

                                        Reply to this comment

                                        • Old Texan

                                          October 30, 2018 at 10:12 am

                                          I dunno why I’m here, I’m about to make cabbage rolls.
                                          I’m a recipe junkie, so there, now you know.

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                                          • Jenny Can Cook

                                            October 30, 2018 at 10:16 am

                                            All Recipe Junkies are welcome here. ?

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                                            • Studababa

                                              May 20, 2019 at 2:18 am

                                              Jenny, do you know how to make chanina. (Not sure that’s how you spell it). Polish duck soup. Made with ducks blood. I’ve been looking for this recipe since I was 20 hrs old. I’m now 72. Hhhmmmm. My aunt tillie always made it. My family is polish, from South side of Pittsburgh pa. They are all gone now along with traditions. Sad. All the old ways are gone. Not even sure you can get duck blood anymore. Best soup ever.

                                              Reply to this comment

                                              • Jenny Can Cook

                                                May 20, 2019 at 11:33 am

                                                That is “Czernina” but I’m sorry I do not have a recipe for that soup.

                                                Reply to this comment

                                              • Linda

                                                September 9, 2019 at 7:53 pm

                                                Studababa I found a recipe for czarnina on Google. Just enter czarnina and it will come up. Good luck!

                                                Reply to this comment

                                              • Mark Yurgel

                                                January 30, 2023 at 11:40 am

                                                To woman that wants recipe for duck blood soup. I will send picture of recipe.

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                                              • Bernie

                                                September 3, 2018 at 9:35 am

                                                Just made these for company, came out great. But I also used red potatoes, that’s what I had in hand. Mom always used red.

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                                              • Mark Babiarz

                                                August 11, 2018 at 6:06 am

                                                Always use redskin potatoes!
                                                They have the highest starch content, there were no such things as Yukon gold etc in Poland

                                                Reply to this comment

                                              • Charlotte

                                                April 21, 2018 at 7:47 pm

                                                My son loved these so much, he would offer to grate the potatoes With the hand grater. We liked them with tomato soup, a nice comforting meal. Of course love themwith sour cream too. he was a young teenager then, and he is 62 now. Yummy memories

                                                Reply to this comment

                                              • Ann

                                                April 10, 2018 at 4:43 am

                                                I am American Polish, my Moms parents immigrated here from Poland, and I love polish food. Make stuffed cabbage a lot, have not mastered the art of making perogi, but love them. My Mom made the best. Love potato pancakes, with sour cream on top. SO GooD!!!

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                                                • Rose

                                                  August 13, 2018 at 9:45 am

                                                  You can get a real pirogi recipe on this site. The pirogi are fantastic

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                                                • Mary D

                                                  November 30, 2017 at 4:36 pm

                                                  I have made these (Your recipe) several times. They are the best an very close to my Russian grandmothers recipe. I use a cheese cloth to wring out the water from potatoes catch it in a bowl so I don’t lose the starch.. fantastic easy recipe…thanks Jenny

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                                                • Diana

                                                  November 25, 2017 at 4:48 am

                                                  My mom used to make these. They are also good with applesauce on them.

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                                                • Alena

                                                  October 23, 2017 at 11:24 am

                                                  I am Slovak, Czech and Polish mix. We always loved placki a lot. Only my mother put in garlic instead of onion. Both ways are great with a glass of tea or milk.
                                                  Thank you!

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                                                • Marie

                                                  July 28, 2017 at 2:41 pm

                                                  Thank You Jenny keep up the great “POLISH RECIPES”!!!!

                                                  AMERICAN POLISH


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                                                • Momma Mia

                                                  June 1, 2017 at 12:43 am

                                                  This is 2nd recipe we made of yours. Delicious. Am waiting for my replacement blade due to Cuisinart recall. Once it arrives we cant wait to make again. Reheat well for a quick breakfast.

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                                                  • Marie

                                                    July 28, 2017 at 12:58 pm

                                                    Polish food is always great, if you get on the internet make sure it is authentic!!

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                                                  • Kris

                                                    April 23, 2017 at 9:37 pm

                                                    Wow Jenny, great recipe.My Mom was Polish, lived through WW2 raised by widowed Mom, & her Begos was the bomb, as well as her P pancakes. My kids were blown away, made the rolled cabbage & pancakes tonight for dinner! Thanks for great site and recipe?

                                                    Reply to this comment

                                                    • Marie

                                                      July 28, 2017 at 1:01 pm

                                                      I am “AMERICAN POLISH” GRANDPARENTS IMMIGRATED FROM WARSAW. Those Cabbage Rolls are great if mad right, and these pancakes wow!!!

                                                      Reply to this comment

                                                      • Kimberly Skrypek-Sarver

                                                        March 23, 2018 at 10:09 pm

                                                        I love to collect any kind of polish recipes because I am American Polish as well. I saw your post about your grandparents immigrating from Warsaw, Poland. My did as well. It’s nice to have something in common. My Mom taught me how to make pierogies and I have passed the technique now down to my daughter. It puts a smile on my face! Have a good day!

                                                        Reply to this comment

                                                      • Rick P

                                                        April 5, 2017 at 1:57 pm

                                                        Jenny, Coming from a Polish background, as a child my Dad would make these at home. I had not tried to make them, but your recipe sounded so good, I had to try! Theywere so easy to make. They came out wonderful and took me right back to my childhood!!! I cannot wait to try your other Polish Recipes. Thank you for a wonderful website…

                                                        Reply to this comment

                                                      • Vicki Mouse

                                                        March 11, 2017 at 3:10 pm

                                                        I’m wondering if I could use sweet potato instead of regular potato…

                                                        Reply to this comment

                                                      • Susan J.

                                                        February 26, 2017 at 8:34 pm

                                                        Can your potato pancakes be made ahead of time and then frozen and reheated again ?

                                                        Reply to this comment

                                                      • Barbara C

                                                        January 14, 2017 at 9:23 pm

                                                        I forgot to mention adding the egg to the flour, salt and pepper in the blending process.

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                                                      • Barbara C

                                                        January 14, 2017 at 9:10 pm

                                                        My mother was Polish and she used the same recipe, but used a hand grater and did not strain the liquid from the starch. I tweeked it by chopping the potatoes and onion in the blender then switch it to blend and add the flour, salt and. pepper
                                                        I will strain from the starch before I add in the flour, salt and pepper. Also, I eat mine with pancake syrup.

                                                        Reply to this comment

                                                        • Ruth M

                                                          March 25, 2017 at 8:33 pm

                                                          Jenny, recipe is the same always used by my mom.
                                                          Barbara, you are the very first person that I know of other than my family that serves our potato pancakes with syrup. I am 75 now and have always enjoyed these.

                                                          Reply to this comment

                                                          • Chris Emery

                                                            November 14, 2020 at 9:26 am

                                                            My mother’s paternal family was from an area called Wolhynia (pronounced “Volhynia”), I believe. That’s where we traced them. And her maternal family was also from similar area considered White Russian/Prussia/Poland. My mom used to make potato pancakes for breakfast. They had purple around the edges and we’re oh so good. She died when I was 12, but I’ll never forget them. I can almost taste them. I don’t have her recipe, but these were close in flavor. We always put syrup on ours. I think I may have squeezed out too much of the liquid. My family however loved them?… I’m still looking to replicate my mom’s recipe though.

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                                                          • Jeanette O

                                                            September 16, 2019 at 1:40 pm

                                                            Barbara I thought I was the only one that ate these with pancake syrup..they ate yum

                                                            Reply to this comment

                                                          • Susan

                                                            August 19, 2022 at 1:08 pm

                                                            Been eating these for years. We use red potatoes and serve them with fresh butcher shop kielbasa sausage and maple syrup.

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                                                          • Linda M

                                                            January 14, 2017 at 10:16 am

                                                            Hi Jenny! Just made these and they were great! Not greasy at all. Will be making again.

                                                            Reply to this comment

                                                          • Jimmy Kerick

                                                            January 10, 2017 at 7:44 pm

                                                            How come you do not put some garlic in your potato pancakes [bilinies]. like steve yuritchko and I do?

                                                            Reply to this comment

                                                          • Ruth

                                                            January 7, 2017 at 7:57 am

                                                            Thanks so much for your Paczkis

                                                            Thanks so much for your superb Ponczkis Recipe and superb video!! I sent it around the world several times over!

                                                            What is the substitute for one egg in your potato latke recipe?I couldn’t find it. Something to do with flax I believe! I need it for our belated Hanukkah dinner this very evening!

                                                            All my love and gratitude,

                                                            Reply to this comment

                                                            • Jenny

                                                              January 7, 2017 at 9:27 am

                                                              I have no experience with egg substitutes but I’m sure you can find something on the internet. (I’m making paczki today!)

                                                              Reply to this comment

                                                            • Connie Seitz

                                                              October 12, 2018 at 2:18 pm

                                                              I have used Chia seed in place of egg in pancakes. Don’t see why it would’nt work. Also, Chia is a great source of protein.

                                                              Reply to this comment

                                                            • Rona dv

                                                              December 23, 2016 at 9:08 am

                                                              What can I do to keep the batter nice and white, if I don’t want to fry them immediately? I would like to prepare batter in the morning, and not use it till the evening, and it turns a terrible color. I know there is a secret ingredient somewhere that can prevent this from happening. Who has the secret???

                                                              Reply to this comment

                                                              • ChrisH

                                                                December 23, 2016 at 8:15 pm

                                                                Possibly, cooking your potatoes slightly in the microwave, like you were making “baked” potatoes with the skins on. Then, cooling and preparing in the food processor as directed. Cutting the potatoes and placing in water would prevent darkening but it removes a little starch from the potatoes and drying well before adding to the batter might work, too. You could do either way and get the other ingredients ready the night before and add the potatoes just prior to cooking.
                                                                Just a thought as I haven’t made this recipe yet. I’ve soaked potatoes in water and cooked potatoes the day before needing for mashing the next day without changing color, texture or taste. So, maybe it’ll work in this recipe.
                                                                Good luck!

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                                                              • Jenny

                                                                December 27, 2016 at 3:30 pm

                                                                I don’t think it’s possible to keep it white for that long.

                                                                Reply to this comment

                                                                • Richard

                                                                  January 9, 2017 at 4:57 pm

                                                                  Add 1/4 tspn full of ascorbic acid, or crush a vitamin C pill, mix well, potatoes will not darken. This same substance can and is used to stop fruit from darkening ie. apples.

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                                                                  • Pat Timmermans

                                                                    January 27, 2018 at 6:14 pm

                                                                    how about a little lemon with the potatoes to keep them white

                                                                    Reply to this comment

                                                                  • Rita

                                                                    September 19, 2017 at 8:52 am

                                                                    TO REDUCE or AVOID BROWNING OF THE POTATOES:

Polish Potato Pancakes, Easy Potato Pancakes | Jenny Can Cook (2024)


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